Character Stuck

I’m trying to log in to my character for 20 minutes now but each time i press enter world i got a brief loading screen then back to character selection with message World Server Down
Help :slight_smile:

Try moving the character with the self-unstuck button here:

Not working, iam stuck by death and cant log in instant disconnect. … normally iam fast mount off and its working, but iam dead so i cand get down that spirit dragon. character self stuck menu on the support is not working. 1 hour i cant log in…

Happened to one of my alts this morning, I’ve tried stuck character no luck. Hopefully someone from Blizzard looks at this post and sorts it out

I have the same issue same as Nekrociusz said earlier, Stuck by death and cant log in becouse game instantly disconnect. From what i’ve seen on trade chat few people had the same issue. It’s been over two hours since this happened and i tried everything i could to fix it but without and results. Stuck Character service does not work for me. Its constantly loading and after a minute or two it refresh itselfs.

Please don’t bump old threads. For the current issue, please see: Character stuck, DC on login, stuck service didn't work - #126 by Patched-stormscale