Character transfer cooldowns?

Hi there, so about a week ago I transferred my priest to another WoW account to carry it through certain content (to help myself gear up essentially) and before even transferring I read it was going to be 3 days on a cooldown. So far it’s been a week and all I’ve done is transfer & faction change it to make the carry possible but I can’t seem to transfer it back now. I’m content with my toons gear, can anyone give me an answer on when my cooldown should be over?

I’m afraid that’s incorrect, transfers between WoW accounts locks out realm transfers for 30 days.

In addition to the realm limitations:
Note : These apply even if you stay on the same Blizzard account.
Characters are not able transfer to another realm for 30 days after an account transfer.

Oh I see, I am just misinformed but I’m also glad that it’s not bugged out I thought that’s what had happened xD

Thank you so much for the reply :slight_smile: