Character Transfer for another account - what will be transferred with it?

Hi! When a character is transferred from one account to another, what will be transferred with it? Collectibles? Achievements? Gold? Or just the character? What about quests? Quests done by this character will be done already on new account? And what with account quests possible for do only with one character per account? (for example warbands quests or some one-time quests for Dragonscale Expedition in DF?)

It is no longer possible to transfer toons between accounts.


Oh, okay, thanks for the info. Then there’s disinformation in the Battlenet Shop, at least in my country. :frowning:

Which link is that? Wording may be fixed if it’s updated yet.

Here is the link:

First few words of description says: “Przeniesienie postaci na inny serwer lub konto…” what means “Transferring a character to another realm or account…”

I see where the confusion comes from, at the EU English side it has the same wording:

What it means is, is that you can transfer it between WoW accounts in the same BNET account. So it is not necessarily wrong but I can see the confusion.

On the PL page it says on the side and bottom: "Postaci nie można przenosić między osobnymi kontami®. "

I did poke around to see if it requires additional clarification though hmhm.

Collectibles remain the same.
Achievements remain the same I think?
Gold remains the same.
Quest log remains the same I think?
Warband only quests that can be done only once, is still only done once.

Ok, I see. Thx for clarification. Case is closed then. :slight_smile: