Character transfer wait time

I just paid for a character transfer, and in the e-mail that I recieved shortly after payment it said “You can access your World of Warcraft® Character Transfer the next time you log in to World of Warcraft.” But I got that mail at 22.26 and it’s now 23.56. I’ve read here on the forums that it can take up to 72 hours for a character to be transfered and if that’s the case PLEASE write it in the e-mail and please don’t put a sign next to my character that says it’ll be ready in 4 minutes. It gives me false hope and makes me so very dissappointed. Please consider changing these things for future customers :slight_smile:


It should be done in about an hour maximum.

Do not log into the account in this time, it will slow it down.

Hello Lathene,

It can take up to 24 hours for the payment to be processed. You can play on any other character in the meantime, just don’t login to the character being transferred until it arrives on the new server.

How’s my driving? Let me know!

Hello Hagut,
I don’t think that you’ve read my post properly. I just need to make you guys stop writing things that doesn’t match reality. If it takes 24 hours, then write that instead of it’ll be ready next time you log in.


It can take up to 24 hours, we can’t be more specific than that I’m afraid. If it’s been longer than 24 hours, please do get in touch with our support team directly.

How’s my driving? Let me know!

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