Character UI bugs

My mage can not que for dungeons or open the dragonflight talent tree. I have tried all the troubleshooting steps i recived in my ticket, but they are not helping. All addons have been unistalled and game has been reinstalled. I managed to get around the dragonriding talent bug by creating a macro, but it’s far from ideal.

The bug only affects one of my characters, and it’s getting frustrating. I spent a lot of time leveling a mage, and don’t want to start all over due to these bugs. I will attach some screenshots of the issue. Does anyone have any tips?


The work around your using to get to the talent tree is the best solution for that untill it’s fixed or until you get to level 70 as it only effects characters under 70.

Have not seen any reports about dungeon ques though. Do you have the appropriate ilvl for them?

Edit: looking at your screenshot, that’s how it usually shows if your gear isn’t good enough. When you hover your cursor over the greyed out options, what does it say in the tooltip?

Edit2: Apparently the talent bug has just this minute been hot fixed, so if you restart the game you might no longer need the work around.

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