Characters gone

Started up my computer today and saw that alot of servers were removed.

One of my characters were moved to Mograine from Ashbringer.
Wierd thing is that somehow my lvl 60 Mage on Ashbringer and 60 Rogue on Ashbringer is now gone?

Cant see them inte “Restore Character” either.

What’s happening?!

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Realms are being consolodated, any chars that weren’t transferred before that are going to placed on new realms but could take up to two weeks. You won’t lose your chars or anything on them.

They made a post about this a while back giving warning it was going to happen.

Go to the classic forums for better details on what is happening and why.

Try going on the realm your characters should be on and make a new character, this sometimes helps to refresh the list.

Aren’t they moved to mograine?

I was hoping until the very last moment that they would change their mind and keep Zandalar Tribe running.
Now there’s no rp-pvp server…

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