Characters turning slow / movement left to right

since reset characters are not turning fast enough

fixed :
use /console turnspeed 3000
/console turnspeed 200


Also for those wondering, needing it:

The default value of this cvar is 180.
In case you want to reset it back to “normal”


Thank for the command :smiley: !


Bugged as well.

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Keeps happening again every time I relaunch the game.

Fix the game please.


And here are the insults. Predictable.

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Stop fishing for attention. You’re not experiencing the problem so there’s no reason for you to be here, yet 50% of all posts are yours.


Then post in the thread that is in the technical section. The one you too posted in previously. Axrans temporary fix is in the very first post here. Everything else is a matter for the technical support.

Thank you for this as i noticed mine today looked weird, just ignore the drama llama fishing for attention he probs had same issue and doesnt want to admit your advice helped


The issue was known and discussed on the US forums two days ago. Its Razer causing problems.

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You mean Razer as in mouse/keyboard? Doubt thats the case as I don’t have anything Razer. Someone wrote that using the new mecha-suit in Siren Isle activate the bug, I might think that could be case as it happened to me only after I’ve used it.

I’ve seen reports of people just getting it when they logged in for the new reset too. So probably just a blizzard thing overall and not related to anything spesific.


I set console turnspeed to 200 as that feels like “normal” for me. No sure what the devs messed up this reset, but it definitely changed since reset (for me and you anyway).

Thanks so much!


3000 is a bit much but 200 feels more like it used to be.


is there any config in the game menu?

camera movespeed in the menu options

but thats doesnt change much in terms of turning speed, just the speed of the camera

I had same issue and came here, found a fix. Thanks to everyone.
Also, did some test, nothing changes if I go from 3000 to 2000 it is still same speed (same as 1000).
The only change came with 180 and it felt exactly like 200 = close to normal (if not the normal usual speed).


yeah i use 250 now, ive updated the post to reflect it

Hey guys, just to add some infos after encountering the same issue :

  • it’s definitely not Razer related (i don’t own razer gear)

  • I’ve experienced this issue on my warrior only, and yes now that I think about it last time I logged off before loggin in again was right after doing my dailies in Siren Isle (bug island) and using the mecha.

  • yes Kretias is being a jerk in this comment section and started his first post here with a passive aggressive response for no reason.


Thanks for this thread. I was just looking up what the heck was going on with my camera turn speed and Google pointed me here. I used the mech on the Siren Isle too last time I logged in, perhaps that’s the connection? I use a Corsair mouse.


Actually use the thread that gets Blizzards attention.