Charge / Intervene macro

Been a while since I managed macros, and with Intervene back (FINALLY!) I wanna mash these two together.

My current Charge macro looks like this to avoid any problems:
#showtooltip Charge
/use Charge

I know I can add a modifier like /use [nomod] Charge and [mod:shift] Intervene but with the current macro I just press my button and charge into whatever comes closest. I wanna be able to do the same but with a friendly target no matter if it’s an npc or friendly player, how do I mash these together? Can’t seem to get it to work.

Thanks in advance.

not sure if you can have the intervene auto target a close friendly and run it (would be cool though, so must almost research into it :D)

, but otherwise:
#showtooltip Charge
/use [help] Intervene; Charge

will retain your current charge functionality while intervene if you have selected a friendly target

Thanks for your reply, didn’t quite work though.

Anyone else got an idea?

/targetfriend [noexists]
/dismount [mounted]
/cast [help] Intervene; Charge

Thanks alot Elvenbane, however this setup wasn’t quite working as I had hoped, figured I’d do it differently.

Decided to go for:

/cast [nomod] Charge

and here, I wanna insert Intervene instead with a modifier. Can I somehow use a modifier where I automatically intervene to the nearest friendly player not in target, just like charge would normally do thanks to startattack?

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