Charged Slicer in Blacksmithing TWW

Charged Slicer is not benefitting from Hafted or Axes and Polearms knowledge in the tree. You are leaving classes using fist weapons and axes at a major disadvantage early because if they level Blacksmithing for themselves to craft, without having prior knowledge of the bug being in place, they have to knowingly spec into bladed weapons to benefit from the additional skill from the bug.

Meaning we have to make an irreversable choice to go down the wrong tree to effectively craft Charged Slicer.

This is a huge oversight in a system that is static once you invest your knowledge. Please fix it so we don’t have to pay early and extortionate crafting fees when we’ve already poured our gold into what we thought was the right path for making axes.

Image showing the difference between Charged Runeaxe and Charged Slicer


not sure how they went to fix the other axe’s intellect bug, and completely skipped Charged Slicer…


Still waiting a solution on this!

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It is fixed with the last patch

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Dredger’s Plate Breastplate is similarly bugged. It benefits from the bottom node + Sabatons! not from the left tree + Breastplates. Has this ever been tested? Cant believe it.

what about the skill points we lost becouse of this bug?! cheekiness!

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