Chat (Opposing Faction)

Isn’t it about time to let us chat to the opposing faction?

I’ve been enjoying the cross faction instances etc, but as I left a group, I received a message from one of the Horde team mates asking if we were going to do more.
But because I had left group, I couldn’t reply, and now I feel kind of rude for not being able to.

Yes, I know I can add people to, but adding everybody is just going to be a pain in the rear xD

Obviously they could mask chat for PvP etc.


i agree. this happened to me Yesterday ( i cant post on Joodee anymore due to faction change)

You can, with Elixir of Tongues, bought in New Dalaran Sewers.

It definitely is, and especially given that the language barrier always have been non-canon.

Why did Belves forget Common when joining the Horde, only to suddenly remember when they later rejoined the Alliance as Void Elves?

You’re a star :smiley: , I’d never even heard of this item before hahaha, I’ll check it out later, thanks :smile:

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