I keep getting this in wow , on “say” channel it spams me with this error
openRaidLib: error on scheduler: sendFullData_Schedule [string “@Interface/AddOns/ATT/Libs/LibOpenRaidATT/LibOpenRaid.lua”]:519: in function NewUniqueTimer' [string "@Interface/AddOns/ATT/Libs/LibOpenRaidATT/LibOpenRaid.lua"]:751: in function eventCallbackFunc’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/ATT/Libs/LibOpenRaidATT/LibOpenRaid.lua”]:918: in function <…rface/AddOns/ATT/Libs/LibOpenRaidATT/LibOpenRaid.lua:916>
It seems that one of your addons is not working correctly and spamming the chat with these error messages. The addon is Ability Team Tracker (ATT) and removing it should resolve the issue. You can find it in the Interface/AddOns subfolder of your WoW folder.
Once the issue is resolved you can also try to reinstall the addon.