Chat windows bugged

The chat windows seem to be bugged. When I try to create a new window, it automatically opens a text to speech window which I can’t use to alter the settings and show the chat I want to see in there.

I like to have trade chat spam in a separate window and the same with guild chat. I can’t do that now. I have gone into settings/ accessibility and selected text to speech options, then deselected them to get rid of the window, but was met with about 15 minutes of text to speech, reeling off everything in the general tab, which I couldn’t stop without exiting the game.


I have the same problem - have to open options and either disable or enable text to speech to be able to close the window. But then I loose the chat window ofc. It is so irritating . I want to be able to create windows for my chat channels as I did before - this bug is killing me.

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