ChatGPT as a tool in RP

How many of you have used ChatGPT as a tool in RP to craft texts etc…? and if so how and what are your opinions, tips and tricks?

I’ve recently been dabbling a bit with it for fun after seeing a streamer (Mizkif) use it to construct a a guild RSVP letter in the tone/style of the various races.

Here is a recent conversation I’ve had with the chatbot using the completion text from the undead classic priest quest (Hallowed Scroll) as a basis; eventually rewritten, adjusted and expanded on into the point of view from a blood elf priest. Maybe something delivered like a sermon.

I feel like the quality of what it can write is surprisingly good.
Example below.

**"The Light is not a mere tool—it is the guiding force that sustains us, that redeems us from the darkness that once threatened to consume our very souls. We Sin’dorei, descendants of the high elves, have seen the depths of despair, have known the gnawing emptiness that follows the loss of our greatest power. We have been tested, again and again, but it is the Light, and the Light alone, that has shown us the way to redemption.

To turn away from the Light is to willingly blind oneself to the truth. It is to embrace darkness over clarity, to invite the Void’s corruption into one’s very being. There are those among us—the so-called Void Elves—who have chosen this path, and in their desperation, they forsake the salvation that the Light offers. They seek solace in the Void, thinking that it can offer them the power they crave, the freedom they desire. But what is freedom in the face of corruption? What is strength when it is born of madness? The Void is not a friend. It is a cruel, consuming force that preys upon the weak and the foolish. It warps the mind, twists the soul, and those who embrace it are as far from salvation as one can be.

How can we, who have suffered so much, turn to the very forces that seek to devour us whole? The Void Elves speak of the Void as a means of embracing the power they could not find in the arcane. But I say to you—what is power if it leads only to ruin? The Void grants power, yes, but it does so with the price of your sanity, your soul. You are not freed from your chains; you are bound to something far worse, a prison of shadows and whispers that gnaws at the essence of your being. Their path is one of decay—their every step a step toward madness.

And yet, the Light calls to us, offering us peace, offering us strength. The Light does not corrupt, it heals. It does not twist our essence into something unrecognizable—it purifies, it brings clarity and purpose. Yes, it demands discipline, it demands humility, but in return, it grants us the strength to stand against the darkness—the strength to overcome even the darkest of our pasts. The Light’s embrace is not one of weakness; it is one of power through self-control. Those who walk the path of the Light understand that true strength comes not from consuming others, but from forging oneself anew through trials, through faith.

Do not be fooled by the Void’s whispers, its promises of unchecked power. It is a deceptive force, promising everything and delivering nothing but despair. I have seen those who have fallen to its call, their minds shattered, their souls lost forever. The Void is a thirst that cannot be quenched, a hunger that can never be sated. To indulge in it is to deny everything that makes us who we are, to turn away from the Light’s gift of true power.

You must make your choice. Will you surrender to the Void’s call, to the madness that beckons you? Or will you stand firm, embrace the Light, and walk the path of redemption? The choice is yours, but know this—the Light offers redemption, and the Void offers only destruction."**

Never have I ever, nor will I.

I enjoy writing backgrounds, and such for my characters.


Streamers’ RP is of a different kind, I’d argue. They get literal guild points for it, which they farm, they don’t have the time for word crafting, they RP on Hardcore with fleeting and easily destroyable one-shot characters, and their ultimate goal is to entertain the viewers with something that is fun to watch yet fast to produce. With some bright exceptions, it’s mostly just the funny voice acting and a lot of repetitive overreactions.

I’m not against AI or anything, but honestly, is there a point in ChatGPT for an usual RP andy who isn’t a streamer? Unless they are really short on time and suddenly discovered that they need to fulfill an organisational position for an upcoming large scale community event, I’d say that most people RP because they just really like doing the writing themselves.

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Same response i’d put for many contexts of AI in creative fields. A helpful tool and nothing more. I don’t really enjoy it when its also used as the product.

I haven’t used it myself, but AI has been very helpful in creating prompts, suggestions and certain nuances. In the one or two times I bit the bullet to try.

I get the impression that most GMs (or is it DMs…? :roll_eyes: ) prefer to write their campaigns and stuff themselves.

One use I could see, for AI, would be if the D/GM was having a “writer’s block”, or struggling to come up with something “new and refreshing”, but I’m not sure AI could do that well… :man_shrugging:

The result you posted is fine, for a void-phobic Light fanatic (I don’t remember the quest text you referred to, maybe that’s exactly what it was) :grinning: :+1:

It’s more of a “Throw it onto the wall and see what sticks”-kind of tool for me, whenever I need a extra inspiration or require a different angle for ideas.

I don’t think it’ll be very succesfull in holding a believable conversation if you want to use it as a way to generate responses to other people engaging with you so I wouldn’t use it beyond writing texts

But just creating texts is whatever really.

Hard friggin’ pass. I will take a badly written thing over an AI slop anytime. The whole point of RP is human interaction. If I wanted to RP with ChatGPT, I would’ve booted up ChatGPT. Not to mention AI is trained on stolen data, and as creatively-inclined folk we should condemn such things, not encourage them.

Screw AI.

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I use it because English isnt my mothers language. So i type most of my story in chatgpt what I have in mind, and let it fix the sentence structure and grammar for me before I post it on my guild forums. Also letting it add some well worded ‘descriptions’ since I find that difficult to do in English to describe the appearance of something.