In my world this is called multi-boxing:
A bunch of Druids, namely:
- Adr-Kel’Thuzad
- Bdr-Kel’Thuzad
- Cdr-Kel’Thuzad
- Ddr-Kel’Thuzad
- Edr-Kel’Thuzad
- Fdr-Kel’Thuzad
- Gdr-Kel’Thuzad
- Hdr-Kel’Thuzad
- Idr-Kel’Thuzad
- Jdr-Kel’Thuzad
- …
- Xdr-Kel’Thuzad
- Ydr-Kel’Thuzad
I guess you can see the pattern.
It’s okay, that one player, plays for like 20+ accounts, what I don’t like is, that Adr gets the assassin flag, basically for free.
To support my case - check the screenshots on imgur,com at /gallery/lHuFqUv
They are not breaking ToS, yet you are for naming them hehe.
Provide the reference to your claim please.
Multiboxers should stay out of pvp, it’s where it feels like such a huge unfair advantage, while its hit or miss when it comes to herb farming as theres many ways to get raw gold in this game
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I can’t find any archived threads (think they’re all from before the forums layout changed), but from the looks of it there’s been several posts over the years explaining its allowed.
Multiboxing isn’t cheating so long as they don’t use botting programs to run them.
There is no difference between 1 player controlling 10 characters and 10 players controlling 10 characters. Would you say that if a group of 10 people were going around in order to slaughter all they see is cheating?
It’s world PvP. Sometimes you get outmatched by superior numbers. Don’t like it? Either get a group together because no multiboxer can effectively fight off another group, or go back to SW or Org and turn off War Mode.
So is it an unfair advantage when 10 characters controlled by 10 players gang up on you?
Get 9 others and get even. A multiboxer won’t be able to deal with another group.
So i need more than 1 real life player to deal with another 1 real life player
Seems legit
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Fair and allowed aren’t necessarily the same.
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If I was a developer multiboxing would be treated like botting. You are not controlling all of them manually yourself, your using third party. Its just as bad ./banned
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Directly accusing of cheating, characters you’ve specifically named, would fall under harassment.
Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
Im sure that its against ToS to intentionally ruin the gameplay of others. As this is the case, surely tanking the price of ores and herbs while sung all your multi-boxxed characters would come under intentionally ruining the fun of others, right?
I doubt it.
For those wanting to get into multiboxing with War Mode on, I made a short guide.
Not that easy !
From my personal experience of trying to kill (as a raid group of 20 people) a certain multiboxer named after a famous Japanese monster, what happened was that as soon as we would get anywhere near said multiboxer - we would be lagged to death. However somehow the said multiboxer was still able to spread dots and other debuffs on us, resulting in the raid group getting wiped in seconds…
When you have 20 people together then you need communication and coordination (unless you are ganking a single player (that’s sad) ). But when you go into a combat against other group - then the comms and coordination are crutial. And it is something that a multiboxer doesn’t need to worry about, because every single character he/she controls, responds to the same keys, and targets exactly the same target.
So yes - it is not cheating, it not illegal (they still need 20 or whatever number) of accounts, which generates revenue, and we all know Activision is greedy, so that will never change.
However it is morally questionable, as it gives one player an unfair advantage not only in PVP combat but also in other aspects, perhaps most of all in the economical aspect, as multiboxers ruin one thing for sure - economy. Try making some gold by selling gathering mats - there is no way any of us can compete with multiboxers. It’s almost like Chinese businesses flooding markets with cheap mass produced goods.
Then there is also the technical aspect. Every time we encountered that multiboxer (the one running 20 Unholy DKs plus a few Resto Shamans ), there would be such a lag everywhere, where he went, making the zone completely unplayable. You should see what happens to Nazjatar or Mechagon when this guy jumps into your shard (or when you are unlucky enough to land on a shard he’s already on).
Anyway - this will never change because of obvious reasons (money, and subscription stats - after all it does inflate the number of active subscriptions).
Best regards
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If u make name calling or something related u can get a ban
AFAIK you need to control them separate if you want to be in ToS, if you use anything that make them use skills at the same time etc. It’s againsts ToS, or atleast it was that way in Legion? All the DUDU’s flying around and 1 shotting pepes is here a long time, not to say, we will have no option to run from them in SL.
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Nah, they are apparently within rules when multiboxing.
“Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not support multiboxing tools.”
And sending commands via software at the same time to multiple accounts, isn’t using multiboxing tools ? Tell me how.
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Yes that is multiboxing software, which is not against ToS. The line below says it all.
Im currently getting oneshoted by buch of druids some dude with names Redmione, Redmitwo and so on. Funny really, each of his characters just cast moonfire and im dead. Multiboxing allowed. GJ blizzard