Cheating/Exploit or legal? (War mode on in War mode off stance(phase))

I searched for the same theme in previous topics but didn’t find an answer.
Here is a problem - I play mostly WMoff and I see everywhere Hordies with WM on around, so the trick is : When I press WMon I get to WM phase, where everyone around are in WM, so you can’t meet a person without WM when you are in, but those Hordies are in WM, but in my PvE (WM-off phase), they gather resources, killing rares e.t.c… And you can’t do anything with them cause you are in PvE (WM-off) and they are in your phase, here… They are getting their bonus for WM and you can’t do anything to them. Imo it is cheating, but as far as I can see tones of people “phasing” that way I assume it’s just how Blizz decided it work? I made like 20 tickets (in game) for each of them (lol) but no respond.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t it is cheating? Getting bonuses from WMon but still unattackable cause you are in WMoff phase? If it is not a cheating please tell me how does it work so I get +% to everything with WMon but still avoid attacks of hordies cause they would be with WMoff . I want that safe easy bonus aswel!
PS: Sorry for my horrible English xD

Are you sure they are not just flagged for PvP? In PvE mode, you can enable PvP any time, but it’s not WM, and no bonus. You can only attack if also PvP flagged.

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Yeah. First time I seen it I was like “OK! Here we go! /pvp” but nothing happened cause they aren’t in PvP stance. They are in War Mode. yesterday during questing I have met 4 hordies with same “trick”. That’s why I am interested if Blizz let people play with enabled WM in PvE (WMoff) phase - than I wanna know how to do that cause I’d also like +% bonus to everything without any change to gameplay!

Hm, very strange! I wonder if anyone else has seen this.

Whole our party on farming dailies seen it and the anoying part is horde takes mobs and makes it GRAY so you can’t get anything from them. Saurfang (EU)

If anybody knows how does it work plz tell me, I want to know that trick aswel, if it’s legal and it is alowed to be that way :baby:t2:

These wm players you saw while your wm was off, what colour were their name tags?

Make sure you get a screen shot of them while targeting them showing you without of warmode and they having the warmode 10% buff then send it to blizzard

Another very important detail to look out for to verify them actually being in War Mode is if they are using any PvP talents. This will be the most sure way to find out, since doing /pvp while warmode is disabled will NOT allow you to use your PvP talents.

What if they have a pvp talent essence? I don’t wm off, just assuming those work wm off?

Trickier but still possible since the essence talents are always pre-fixed for all specs.

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They were orange (when you are with WMoff you see people with WMon with such colour), for example people in PvP while you are not flagged with PvP are yellow (maybe it’s my colour scheme set on my profile ofc).

Orange means they are flagged for pvp. They can do that with wm off. They cannot attack you, and you cannot attack them, unless you are flagged for pvp. Their name tag will turn red if you do that.

So just to be clear, they are wm off and they get no bonus.

When they are with WMoff and in PvP you see them as yellow, and if you turn PvP on they would get red. I mean Orange colour of the hordies in that topic :confused:

Sounds like you are seeing wm off pvp flagged players. When wm off, you don’t see wm on players in open world.

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