Cheating in solo shuffle - please remove ready check from it, not even 5/5 just something like - waiting for all players - as now it allows to cheat very easily

It’s really enough to queue on later hours, or as certain specs to cheat on solo shuffle, you are on voice chat with mate, accepting queue, looking at ready check, telling to click *NOW and then if you aren’t sure he queued you ask him to not accept the queue and do the trick again. Why do I see it that way ? because when I queue i obviously see 1 tank/ healer accepting instantly, then slightly break on few dds and if it doesn’t go smooth it’s canceled and in next queue it looks the same or is done properly, then you see the same tank/healer with same dd in party, but dd is playing good depending on person he’s playing with, one match he’ll do the worst dps/hps with barely using cds, next match he’ll be a god that will top the table, I’ve even seen dps, LOSING healer on purpose to not get a heal, it’s getting ridiculous, and player with terrible stat can easily have 6 wins when someone sabotages on purpose, and still gets 3 wins so not really losing anything + probably getting money for it

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I had similar thoughts

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Depending on the size of the pool at an initial matchmaking range (i.e. before it expands the parameters by spending time in the queue) at a given moment, it won’t be enough to remove the ready checks to completely get rid of all of it.
The trick to premade past set limits, if the matchmaking pool is small enough, would just require choosing a time when most people don’t play and then queue at the same times as long as you’re at roughly the same MMR. Even without a ready check, even if it’d send you in instantly without giving you a choice, it’d still be possible to time it like that.

It’s not like wintrading is unheard of in the normal ladder. Well, it’s not like it can’t be done in “solo” shuffle either. It’s been said for years already, but every time there’d always be someone saying “nuh-uh, solo ¿qué?s are purfect, they kant premade in those evar!!123” and so on.

Blizzard hasn’t fixed this properly once and for all ever since vanilla. I doubt they’re gonna fix it in Dragonflight. They’ve tried occasionally (really not often) to make it harder sometimes, but it’s never been fully prevented, ever.

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it won’t remove it completely but will make it much harder to navigate, and boosters queuing with wrong teams will lose their time 2 times much

it’s not an game from indie company, it’s one of biggest mmos around and they really need to find solution about it, removing readycheck as I mentioned would be a nice start as it makes it really easy

on solo shuffle it’s way more frustrating though, it’s cheating and people doing so should be banned

they really have to do better algorythms to disqualificate such people from pvp and make huge penalties for cheating like that, it’s not even boosting, ITS CHEATING, they ban for using exploits and this is even worse

The premade exploit has been a thing in WoW since vanilla. New methods have been developed since then for how to do it, but essentially, Blizzard has never fully prevented it. Ever. They don’t ban people for it either.

The first time they openly admitted to taking action against it, was at the start of Classic (the re-release of Vanilla), where one faction was abusing it so much that Blizzard was forced to take actions against it.

But guess what? Even THAT wasn’t able to fully prevent it.

Sad truth is that Blizzard has allowed this problem to persist for as long as queuing for something has been a thing. If you truly think just removing the ready check is enough, then I hate to break it to you, but it won’t stop it completely.

As you said, they need to develop much more thorough detection systems for it, where patterns can be spotted by it. Because one thing all the premade exploits have in common, is that nobody does it just once. So patterns will emerge.
It’s just that Blizzard isn’t really showing enough care to spot such patterns, and they never have.

Yeah and making it visible who already accepted queue for RATED solo shuffle IS A HUGE STEP BACK, wow is not an indie game but huge mmorpg and allowing such things feels out of place, you know it, I know it and everyone knows it,

It would be sad indeed but I don’t think they’ve ever allowed cheating, imagine someone getting gladiator mount by such thing, its unforgivable to let it slit

You don’t think people have ever successfully cheated their way to glad/r1 before?

I’m not saying Blizzard has looked at it and gone “Nah, that’s ok. We won’t do anything about that.”, I’m saying Blizzard has allowed it by ignoring it, except for very few times they tried to take actions against it, but ultimately failed to prevent it either way.

Hell, even people wintrading to r1, there was a pretty famous warr here a while ago that was known to be buying r1 repeatedly, and got it by wintrading and buying race/name changes on his characters over and over again to trick the system.

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same as people were buying trustpilot for mage tower - cheating - and blizzard removed rewards from them afterwards cuz they really see everything that happens * BLESS THEM FOR THAT
it’s easy to see if people are wintrading and it should cost people selling that a ban, and people buying that removal of rewards and preveting them for joining such activities

My whole post is about problem and it should be fixed, you admitted it as well, so instead of throwing “BLIZZARD WON’t DO THIS” at me, just support it and stop telling things we already know, I see it still exists, and I’m reminding to blizzard it’s unfair and in solo shuffle it brings even bigger problem to it as you experience it and it’s VERY frustrating. No wonder new players hate to do pvp when such dirty tactics aren’t taken as seriously as they should be

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He did it repeatedly. That doesn’t mean he did it several times for just one season. It means he did it season, after season, after season, after season, after season, over and over again.

The rewards weren’t getting removed. I don’t know where he is now, maybe he was finally caught, but he used to post on this forum quite a lot which is what made him (in)famous.

If he was caught, then it taking several YEARS, is that the kind of “anti-cheat monitoring” you were talking about?

and they should be, as they removed it for trustpilotting, so it’s another appeal to blizzard in this post, beside of taking another actions to prevent it, for sure visible ready check on solo shuffle HAS to go

What I’ve been telling you all along is that only removing the ready check wouldn’t fix anything. It can reduce the frequency of it, sure, but it won’t get rid of it.

This needs a more holistic solution, to properly get rid of it once and for all. Not just for shuffle, but for all queues with limits to premades.

Yeah and I even agreed it won’t get rid of it completely, but should be done as fast as possible, then they should come with more anti win trading mechanics

Indeed, they have to find something as its very unmotivating for people that care about this game, making highlighted post about removing rewards from cheaters would be a really good start as well. Would you pay for mage tower trust pilot knowing it will cost you loss of money and few days of ban ? and people appreciate blizzard for taking actions against it very much.

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