Check my transmog

Man I look Kewl.

Do I?

Look at me, strong and posh


Absolute unit.

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Nice boots :grin:

Very cool😘.

yeah looks good i like it.

Nice sunnies man!

As a man of a fashion, I rate this 6/10.


You may look sexy but not as sexy as me.

I’m to sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts! :sunglasses:

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jealous of maghar orc ? :joy:

Not the greatest looking Orc on the forum but not the worst either.

No, you look like someone shaved a gorilla, put it into a car crusher and stopped it before it finished the cycle.

I should phone the RSPCA for your blatant support of gorilla harassment.

of course. he’s Fred. the pleb. So he’s a pleb. Its amazing Fred is such a pleb he can afford to wear…

Whatever it is he’s wearing.

probably haircloth.

No… You’re both about as sexy as sharing a bath full of cold rice pudding with a walrus.


And all those things sound sexy! How can u not see that? :sunglasses:

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Not as strong as this GOB but your mog is very cool I love it

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That’s pretty good but I think mine is better.

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I love you guys

Zug zug! :sunglasses:

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