Check PvP - How to protect yourself and your Characters

This really. I would be less pessimistic about it if it it already wasn’t like 80% of my experience that people with hidden alts usually has done so for a nefarious reason.

And those who have it for another reason are very easily told apart simply by how they behave. If someone is doing weirdposts like the orcposter on ignore in this thread & also run with hidden alts, then they have already outed themselves as a bad faith poster.

Especially when they already got caught a few hours ago spam-liking their own post with alts anyway LOL.


Because you seemed eager to know.

I will gladly enlighten the masses about my ascended views : )

gets even sadder when they resort to separate accounts entirely for this sort of stuff.

Like come on pick either hating a community or being part of it, I know our quality is alluring but man :pensive:

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Let’s keep this thread civil! :slight_smile:

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Was simply clarifying & expanding on my thought process, apologies.

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No, that was after the ‘‘no one asked’’ moment. Didn’t feel like leaving you hanging.

No problemo!

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are you okay you’re kind of just talking gibberish

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Check-pvp is a godsend


Imagine hiding :clown_face:

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I’ve blocked myself off from there since I got some rather unpleasant abuse from people going through my alts and whispering me, as well as seeing certain crazy stalkers in action, but I’m also super open about my insane number of alts for those that care. Disabling Check-PvP does have its uses and I frankly can understand wanting to hide your presence if you are being stalked or abused… unless you’re being outed for doing dodgy ERP and the like.


So long as you can contain the urge to eat them.

But is there an actual point in what you’re saying or are you just hoping for a hollow back and forth to weirdly spam this thread?

I’ve already stated my point, you said " I don’t RP with people who value their privacy " ( Disclaimer: paraphrasing, might not be the exact words ) like people were supposed to care.

ok so you’re after the latter

Have a nice day amigo

big if true

This ^^^ I quit WoW because of this sort of stuff in the past, don’t like it simple as

The whole “Oh you don’t want X to have access to ur information? You must be hiding something” argument that you see in privacy-related discussions is a major :clown_face: argument tbh


no way… a person posts on a forum thread…? how could they… no one asked no one asked!!

Local tough guy posts an opinion no one asked for, is upset when asked why he’s being weird. Sad.

I’m not surprised, aren’t you 2 about to be clapped for calling the OP a clown? Hopefully the time off lets you reflect on your behavior.

You mean like a certain community leader?

Hot take: those, who aren’t scared of being “found out”* - aren’t also scared of this said option.

*can be literally whatever in this community, from creepy erp to killing a neighbour irl


Come on pal, please keep this thread civil and nice.

Funny thing really, but there are people out there who like to have their online privacy protected, but who aren’t predators either. You know, normal people? xP

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In all honestly, the forum issue when it comes to alt-tracking would be solved in an instant if it used the same system as the other forums like Hearstone, Diablo & overwatch(your battle.tag name), but just maybe allowed you to have your preffered character as the front.

Basically, don’t allow people to swap alts without swapping to a new account entirely.


Hid my alts long ago for obvious “I don’t want to be stalked” reasons. It’s good you can. Because yes, there are stalkers and they’re creepy.