You’re simply using the exact same whack argumentation. IMO it’s a good habit to train to simply disable data sharing options like these since it’s very simple and helps keep your data from spreading (unlike signing up for the check pvp website, incidentally)
If it helps my previous stalker from going after me as well as stopping COAD’s epic investigation in protecting the wholesome good bean uldum rp clique (lol) then that’s a very nice added bonus
Perhaps I’m showing my age here, but I remember when privacy online was to be expected, not frowned upon and spam clown face emojis. Check-PVP has its purposes, for good and for bad.
I could, if so wanted, use check-pvp to find a friend’s alt and spam his inbox by mailing him grey items. I could also, however, have a disagreement with someone and find their alts to keep annoying over and over, becoming increasingly abusive.
Just because someone values their privacy, doesn’t mean they have a nefarious ulterior motive
Can we not use neaurodivergence as insults thanks.
That aside I am all for privacy on the internet etc, however as has been shown oh so many times now is people who tend to hide their alts/profiles are often the ones with something to hide very often of TOS breaking topics.
Man I do not even know where to begin to tell you how you are wrong
Do you understand the difference between real life form of governance and an in-game community, i.e? Cause you seem to have those two mixed up, leading to this discussion, which is just fundamentally flawed from the get-go.
Unironically you are right. It’s just that the people who bring up their lack of willing to share data have done so (to my knowledge) after they did something goofy, rather than out of genuine privacy concerns, and that is what the jabs are aimed at I feel.
privacy over Net? Based.
Turning off your alts to try and turn a blind eye to bad stuff you did? Pognot
Of course not, but as I said, I’m a bit pessimistic because atleast when it comes to these forums, the majority of reasons it is used is soley for nerfarious reasons.
You get kinda tired of it after the 100th lvl 10 poster with hidden profile & alts makes a weird comment or straight up racist/homophobic remark, all with 10+ upvotes from equally obvious alts with the same pattern.
You can also ignore the first person doing this to you and, if they continue the same schtick across characters, you report the person to Blizzard and they get silenced/suspended. It’s one of the few cases Blizzard actively moderates the game, ie. continuous harrassment.
Personally I do not see why privacy matters less when it comes to fun internet communities vs authorities, don’t want authorities to have instant access to every bit of information, don’t want companies to get it all either,certainly don’t want my old creepy stalker guy to get any in the slightest, it’s very simple.
“Oh you don’t let blizzard share your data with 3rd parties? You must be ” is whack reasoning (although the amount of altposters in here certainly isn’t helping me with trying to make that point…)
This is very true. I hope to convince you that this thread was made to promote net privacy rather than turning a blind eye to horrible things. Like I said to another chap; this is about making sure the distinctly non-predator, normal people, are able to protect themselves while playing this game.
Edit: Maybe “normal” isn’t the right word to use, hopefully you know what I mean though
Blizzard takes actual in-game harassment quite seriously, to the point where the tickets have their own queue & gets handled with at worst, a few hours. The punishments tend to also be pretty severe.
Reported someone for laughing at me for my dad’s death and mocking me over it. They got not even a warning. Had somebody insult me over and over for weeks on end. No warning or anything. Been stalked, harassed, the usual. Everybody stuck around. Nothing.
Only got one person banned for it out of the various.
I remember you sharing this before, and like I said then too, that is absolutely disgusting and awful It makes me really angry that people like that exist.
I feel you, because it’s a sore topic for me too having lost them both too early at different stages in life.
Based on how they handle RP disruption and how they treat the forums, I don’t have the slightest ounce of faith in Blizzard moderation for anything other than banning bots tbh.
Imagine thinking that the amount of characters you play in a multiplayer fantasy online game called “World of Warcraft” is somehow personal information that must be protected
This is not some rl issue of surveillance lol get real