Cheer counter

My raid members want to have an addon that keeps track of how many times I ‘/cheer’ during a raid since I do it quite often.

Is it possible to make such an addon (or is there already one)?

You probably won’t need an addon: you could make a weakaura that accomplishes the same thing. I almost want to make one, but I’ve never made something like it and I’m not sure if I want to spend the time to do so. If I decide to do it though I can post the WA here.

Aye, there’s an event called CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE you could use. This gets fired whenever someone uses the built in emotes. You could just attach that to a counter.
Having said that, I’ve never heard of an addon that exists which does this. It’s very niche xD

Well, I made one for you anyway. I’m not telling you that this WA is perfect: but it does what it’s supposed to. To reset the counter you can just /reload, it’ll also reset each time you logout/restart the game. If you run into any problems then just reply to this message and I’ll look into it. Also, this WA should work for you and anyone in your raid. You can find the import string over there.

PS: If you don’t know how to use Weakauras, ask if any of your guildies know how to. It’s one of the most helpful addons in the game, period. I can give you a little rundown if you need it.

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Thanks, this is great!

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