Why not? You might have misunderstood how the system works but taking your example if you did run 14 15+ and not the +2 you would just not get a third chest at all.
If you want to have 3 15+ chests you need to run at least 15 15+ in a week. It really doesn’t matter if you help a friend of not since it doesn’t get counted into your top 15 keys.
I think that is exactly the goal here. M+, even in this system, will still be the easiest way to get 3 Mythic quality options. By leaving it at a relatively high number a good amount of people might not go for it, leaving it at the 5 runs maybe. If the amount of M+ is lowered, to let’s say 8-10 dungeon, people will be even more compelled to fill that out every week.
I rather have one carefully picked item than two RNG items that are 100% garbage. There will be PvP vendors anyways so it’s not like you really the need the extra item for the chest.
It’s also the same for everybody else so it’s not like anybody else is getting more than you.
I don’t like that design, because this is not how I’ve understood the system would be. I expected a weekly cache biased via done dungeon ie spamming 1 dungeon would allow me to pick 1 out 3 items from said dungeon.
There is still a lot of RNG. Sure, 3 choices instead of 1 lowers significantly the chances of getting a trash item, but on the same time there is a degree where it becomes quite insane. 15 M+ runs per week is way to much for a choice. I feel like as a Mythic raider that has to get the maximum potential out of my characters that “playing taxes” are becoming more and more hectic.
you and many others didn’t calcutlate TIME into this…
if you have to do 15 m+ to get the full rewards, that means, that those players, will concentrate on doing those 15 max lvl keys first, and only help others, if they have time left to do so
because you don’t want to run out of time, while doing lower keys
If you finish an entire raid + do your PvP weekly quests + do 5 Mythic+ you have 8 choices available…
Raid will take you 3 hours approximately, PvP weekly conquest cap thing takes maybe 2 hours at most and doing 5 M+ is 3-5 hours.
Which should be perfectly doable, even for people that work full-time.
Without too much effort you can have at least 3-5 choices available, if you want more choices available, you just have to do a bit more.
This change is already a lot better than we currently have or had before so be glad you the opportunity to influence the amount of choices you have.
With all other stuff going on such as reputation grinding, Covenants etc… It would actually be best to unlock 1-3 choices a week at the start of the expansion. Because at that point in time almost everything out of those chests would be an 100% upgrade to you.
Once more than half of the gear you have is equal to the max ilvl you can get from the chests you should unlock more options in order to cover the slots that still have lower level ilvl items in them.
The PvP gear is no longer in a separate chest because our items getting cut in half is the price we pay for getting rid of Titanforging or Corruption - and personally I’m entirely okay with that trade.
The most optimal way to get 15 keys done is to do a +15 in time, then fail a +16, then do a +15 in time, then fail a +16, etc. etc. Or just join groups with +15 and do them, whether in time or not.
I mean… you don’t. Especially if you raid as well. Say you kill 7 PvE bosses and do 3 M+ 15 - then you get a choice of 4 items already then.
So no different from today then.
So no different from today then.
Probably, idk. I know people who have run literally thousands of M+ dungeons and they’re as kind as ever.
Blizzard needs to curb this, but it’s a separate issue.
Most of the points you made aren’t new issues and aren’t mild either. They’ve been here for a while and honestly, being worse than what it is right now won’t be much of a difference. It’s already bad enough.
As for pvp gears being mixed into all this, you have to remember that pvp vendors are coming back too. Which will be the primary source of gear gathering for pvpers anyways.
And finally, this is not even out yet. It’s datamining. This might be a test run of a test run and we’re already concluding everything.
And no. It won’t be worse than what it is right now. People won’t suddenly become elitists. It’ll be just the same.
You just cap your pvp stuff you get 3 choices with 445 ilvl (0 rating)
You cap 15 dungeons +15 you get 3 choices with 475 ilvl
You cap 8 raid bosses you get 3 choices with 460 ilvl
every row will determine their own ilvl according to your rating or level you play on.
then also you do not know if you really get 9 choices or if every row will have the same 3 items you can choose from
you also don’t know if hc raid will give mythic ilvl weekly and what mythic raid will give you.
All this system becomes is like:
i need 1 mythic boss per week
15 times +15 mythic dungeons
and cap my pvp on 2,4k rating.
this is pretty much the choice for your max ilvl reward choice for players that are not in a mythic hardcore guild.
+15 might be also much more difficult for all we know without all the corruption fiesta carrying all the clowns without interrupts on their bars.
pugging 15 dungeons feel impossible. If the dungeons don’t need to be timed, it might lead to less leavers though because now people leave because they maybe finished their one +15 of the week already.
you are very naive.
As it stands the pvp vendor has a limited choice (like it always was). Unlike before a pvp stat will not return to offset the limited choice to make it supreme in pvp.
The currency is heavily time gated per week.
Your choice is still to run pve in the early season weeks to get your gear quickly. Unlike pvp gear, end of dungeon rewards which are probably on the same lvl as 2.2k rated gear, are not time gated and can be spamed.
On top of it, there will be most likely some weapon proc items or pve trinkets that will rain supreme in pvp as every season.
the pvp vendor at this point is just an illusion and will give you mediocre gear by the end of the season leaving you getting steamrolled regardless if you don’t farm pve
How am I wrong? It’s exactly how the system works… You do those things and you have 8 choices available to you without having to do 10 more Mythic+ dungeons. I haven’t stated anything about ilvl.
Pretty much every choice will be an upgrade at the start of the season so you don’t need to complete every objective on the UI. You can do that when (more than) half of your items are the max ilvl you can get from the boxes. To increase the chances of getting an item in a slot you actually need an upgrade.
Blizzard hasn’t even released any information on what ilvl these rewards will be, this is all datamined material so this UI and the requirements for each box is subject to change.
So there’s no guarantee (yet) if doing Mythic raid bosses will yield a higher ilvl reward than heroic/normal or if heroic/mythic will yield the same ilvl reward from the boxes and only normal gives you a lower ilvl reward.
I dont like pve but for me 15 dungeons doesnt seem too much tbh, like 2 dungeons per day isnt that much and extra one added to any day, but than again i am not into a pve so i might be wrong.
you don’t have 8 choice if 6 are 30 ilvls lower than your top choice.
There is probably 0% chance that a 445 ilvl item is better than 475 ilvl
yea you have 8 choice if you are playing on potato lvl doing your lfr, m2 and 0 rating pvp.
there are only very few people who are doing all 3 things. Most of them are playing this game for a living.
The rest of us are left with 1-2 items as a “choice” per week.
People that have a life are hardly able to do 15 dungeons, play on 2.4k rating and have 8 mythic raid bosses down.
so yea I will probably stuck with the same garbage as we have in bfa right now. If i have the time I maybe run 4 dungeons because it is already very difficult to get invited timely to 15s
yes there is no guarantee but then the whole system would be flawed. Otherwise m5 and 1.5k rating should also give max lvl rewards because they are on the same lvl as free loot hc raiding
+15 dungeons are time consuming and not always a joy to run if it isn’t smooth.
Also not everybody can play 2h a day.
Also not everybody will get instant invited to 15s once they login
also we need to do a lot other chores that eat away your game time to do those 15 dungeons.
also +15s in SLs might be harder than they are now in bfa S4 because we don’t have this clown system that boosts your dps by 400%
Thats 10 hours of (lets call it mandatory) grind. Thats before other chores like conduits or torgast or whatever the heck they deem fit to make us chase.
how is it an option if one item is 475 and 7 items are 445?
Your argument makes 0 sense. Nobody EVER would take the 445 item. So it is just a trap choice or what you want to tell it is a choice just for being a choice?
Also it is very unlikely that if you are 430 you completed content that rewards 475 ilvl unless you got boosted.
So your arguments are not valid at all.
What am i doing in bfa?
Running mid range keys on 6 chars.
Thats how I have fun. What is wrong with that? (Also btw the armory is completely bugged. It shows that i didn’t even completed freehold and siege lol)
It i care that it is a weekly disappointment because of wrong stats and such so I cannot progress my character.
In S4 it is ok because the season is 1 year long but if the season is just 12 weeks, this rng means you just cannot get anything worthwhile done.
also trying to flame people when your own profile is hidden
Classic lol
Yeah nobody would take the 445 ilvl item with infinite stars (pre-nerf) and nobody would go to eternal palace for that 445 trinket that drops from Lady Ashvane
If it’s a higher ilvl it’s a choice, doesn’t matter if your general go-to option is the highest ilvl of the bunch.
Let’s say you have highest ilvl BiS weapon already equipped, why would you take another weapon of the same ilvl but worse than what you have over the lower ilvl item that’s still an upgrade to you?
Perhaps read the rest of my posts and see I’ve said something about it not being necessary to unlock all the boxes at the start at the expansion as most items would be an upgrade at that time.
since corruption is gone, there is mostly a 0% chance that a 30 ilvl lower item will be an upgrade.
mostly it will be not an upgrade because your general ilvl will be 460 if you run content that rewards 475.
The chances that the one item that you equip is 430 gets replaced by the chest is also low and mostly not even worthwhile because your dungeons runs will reward 465 anyways.
as said, your argument pulls things out of thin air that doesn’t apply to anything happening to me ingame.
when i do 15s my ilvl generally is at least already 465+, even closer to 470. now if i had a choice of my weekly, the 445 item is NEVER an upgrade.
Your raid trinket example is meaningless as you will not get it as an option from the weekly chest either.
And just because blizz left 1 item unbalanced in the game it doesn’t mean you get that every season and again there is 0.00000001% chance to get it from your weekly IF it even was in the loot table.
People who defend the system because it’s “optional” or whatever, well everything in the game is. Azerite power grind was optional, people still did it, it was one of the most hated things in BFA. If it’s tied to player power people are going to see it as mandatory, do it, and burn out, or risk falling behind.
Running a large number of high keys is going to be a huge time requirement for people who need to pug, before I was in a raid guild there were times when I spent hours just looking for groups so I could do my 1 weekly, imagine trying to do 15 of them.
Anyway, most of the point of the post also is how this “optional” feature is worse for people who don’t take the option. Seems like some people replied to the post to remark that at worst we get status quo without reading it.
It’s not final, and a lot can change, but I would rather get my criticism out right away. There’s been some encouraging changes to things which could potentially ruin a system, like Torghast torments or destructible conduits. The latter is a good example of something that perhaps looked fine in theory but that would have lead to an utter grindy hell for players in practice, even though they would not be required to replace any conduits, and was changed due to feedback. So, I have hope.
Every player has their own thoughtprocess and experiences. Just because you find your process ‘logical’ and have your experiences, it doesn’t imply that it’s the same for everybody else.
Perhaps you didn’t notice but I was talking about the start of the season.