The changes to the weekly chest totally miss the mark. The problem with the weekly chest is that it is the only source of maximum level dungeon loot, which you can’t target, trade or bonus roll for. This makes it really hard to get the items you actually want, leading to a chest of disappointment.
The raid slots are a nice bonus, but they do nothing to solve the issue, and raid gear do not suffer the same problems.
The PvP gear used to be in a separate chest, they were never worthwhile for non-PvPers and the PvPers who also begrudgingly did PvE for gear are now getting less gear. It doesn’t add or fix anything.
The only meaningful additions to address this are locked behind an absurd amount of dungeons required. Unless you are prepared to grind, the system is no improvement at all to you. It is however, a detriment.
“But if you do your one weekly it’s still the same!”
No, it is not.
Fewer people will want to deplete keys, because they need to do 14 more.
Fewer people will want to take a long time in a key, because they need to do 14 more.
Fewer people will be willing to help others, because of burnout from doing 15 keys or just not having time.
For you, the person trying to do your one weekly:
There will be fewer “weekly no leavers” to sign up for.
You will be declined from push runs unless you have high RIO, which you probably won’t have since you’re just doing 1 dungeon/week.
People will be more likely to leave after 1 wipe or if they otherwise get the impression the run will take a long time, time they could use to run 2 other keys.
Your friends and guild mates will be less likely to help out.
People will become increasingly toxic as burnout builds, making even successful runs unpleasant.
The group finder will be even more cluttered with boost sellers, who now have up to 15x as many runs to sell.
This feature has been highly anticipated, and really, it could be easy. They could just give you 3 options of dungeon loot for the one run and let you pick one of them. Keep in mind, you aren’t getting more gear, it’s just less RNG and more choice, which is what players usually ask for and was the stated goal.
Yes it does.
One of the main issues right now is how PVPers feel isolated and shunned to the side. This allows PVP players to earn contribution to their weekly chest by doing content they want.
Why is this a bad thing? We shouldn’t want people to deplete keys.
People will run with what they have for the most part.
Look at Legion, M+ was much better then than it is now yet people spammed the hell out of a short dungeon (maw) but it really wasn’t an issue for the vast majority of players.
If certain dungeons are never ran then that is an encounter / dungeon design flaw.
I agree that 15 a week is over the top. I don’t want to do that.
But it feels like you’re attributing all these side effects and flaws to a system and holding the “chest” responsible for everything wrong with gearing up.
Feels like at least they don’t play it enough to properly account for player behavior, like with destructible conduits seen as a solution to preventing swapping conduits rather than “I must now grind the same conduit 50 times” as players see it.
The people who make groups for " Weekly, no leavers " are usualy incapable of pushing higher or only do a weekly each week.
So you won’t see much of a drop in those.
15 mythic+ runs are too many. In fact it’s so many that people will get burnt out if they do it every week, it’s just not a realistic goal. What if you enjoy playing alts, why should they suffer because you have no time for them because you are grinding 15 mythic+ dungeons? Or the fact that your alts will have a much greater disadvantage at the weekly chest, people will only do 15 mythic+ dungeons on their main to get the best possible results- absolutely no one will ever do it on their alts or they will never ever want to touch WoW again due to being burnt out.
Actualy it is more gear. You would have higher chance of getting item what you want = faster gearing = faster runing out of progression. If you want more rewards you have to do more content there is nothing wrong with it.
You have to realize that mythic+ is super overrewarding for the fact how easy it is complete +15 run with all the covnience coming from 5 man group. Fact mythic+ compete with mythic raiding gear is arledy pretty stupid.
That always was the case. Not it is just worse than ever because the gaming industry at least as far as established franchises are concerned is drowning in hubris.
On topic
Guys you need to understand that part of what makes this change look bad is that people were lead to expect for Shadowlands a choice of loot from just 1 weekly run instead of having to do up to 15, turning dungeon runs into a second job.
Try comparing the time and effort it takes for killing 10 raid bosses compared to 15 high keys. Then also consider those who would want to do both because they really need to beat the RNG for their more demanding progression.
Asking for 15 dungeons a week is a bit of overkill, especially when the chest’s performance is tied to specific keys, as far as I know (1st, 5th and 15th key). First, it should be tied to the average key levels (1st key, then 2-5th, 6-15th averages).
This current system makes the game feel even more like a chore. Now to get the full selection of items you have available to you, you have to play all of the time… and at this point you gotta wonder why not just put the items IN THE DUNGEONS and remove the stupid weekly chest?
There will be an overall reduction of items you receive from dungeons, but you’ll have to do way more dungeons. This is a bad system, with or without the weekly chest. That means you’ll have to do a dozen dungeons without getting an item, just in hopes that one of the items in the chest will be what you need. And okay, the selection will be decent but still… you have to run so many dungeons not for the dungeon, but for the chest. You’ll do a run and you’ll get the SL equivalent of a tidalcore, some AP which will still be called Artifact Power and… that’s it.
You just spent 30 minutes in a dungeon… fifteen times just in hopes that a chest in six days will contain one of the items you want. Functionally, it’ll be better. But in terms of how it feels to play, this sounds awful. Running a dungeon only to get 1 (one) material and some AP at the end already feels like garbage.
All as I expected when I read the mined leak, seems like more choice
I don’t feel forced, cause well I am adult and can decide how much I need this choice
its isnt becouse nobady forces you to do 15 dungeons per week. You can do 1 or 3 or 10 or 25. What you ultimately asking is to dumb down game and reduce effort difference between hardcore players and casuals. Maybe you shouold just accept that you are not willing to do what it takes to get those rewards and stop demanding more rewards for less effort.
The problem is that i AM willing to do it. Like i also farmed for example all my sockets. I have no problem doing dungeons. I like doing dungeons. I am also now on 15 this week. But it is very well possible my guild outside of my M+ group will never see me ever in SL, since all the dungeons need to be of the highest level. No way i am going to spoil time and help out others.
This thing is just a quantity over quality and is countering socialising in game.