Chinese not allowed in European WOW

Which is?

Don’t assume that just because English is the common language among European players that it also is their local language.

Ironically there are also two versions of Afrikaans. One is the High or Hoog Afrikaans which incorporates a lot of Dutch words, not easy to speak and hard to understand if you a local.

The Dutch on the other hand don’t like the language as they say its a gutted version of their own.

There is also the local version which is far different to dutch and sometimes very colourful and mixes a few english words into it. Definitely hated by the Dutch.

The language of the server, obviously?

This does get complicated in the case of Frostmane-Grim Batol-Aggra though. So ridiculous. But otherwise it’s pretty straight forward.

When joining groups of another language, speak the language of the group you joined.

It’s of course fine to speak another language if everybody there understands it. I frequently whisper Chinese and Danish. Just don’t expect to be understood and know it’s kindda rude to do it “in public” as it were.

Your title says it’s not allowed, thread says it’s allowed. I’m confused.

There’s nothing to be confused about. The client can’t be set to Chinese on EU servers, but you can write Chinese in the client should you so choose.

If you use some stupid font replacement it may not work though, showing up as squares. That’s not Blizzard’s fault though.

That’s about it.

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And Dutch is a gutted version of German.

That I did not know.

I do know the Germans don’t like the Namibian version of their language. In Namibia the German is again mixed in with a few Dutch/Afrikaans words. I was born in Namibia and speak that version of German :smiley:

…Wanna come meet up at this very nice looking pile of wood and sticks?

Why would it be allowed? It is not official to EU. If you log in to any chinese game from eu you get banned so I don’t know what is the problem. Not like they allow europeans there.

WoW Isn’t a Chinese game, is it?

And some simply want the Chinese Language available to be used in-game.

It really depends on what’s your definition of African language. Yes Afrikaans is Indo-European, but it is a language that’s used in Africa. Arabic is also used in Africa, as well as French, even if the languages aren’t indigenous.

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99% won’t be able to read it anyway. You go to any other country you adjust and accustom to their stuff. If you come to EU you do the same.

…They want the game client to be using the language (like quest text etc), not that they need to speak in it 24/7. You can already use Chinese letters in-game if you want to.

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Well I don’t know about that. If there are workarounds already then why not?
I thought people want to use chinese characters to chat with. I never seen anyone typing like that. Not even russian characters visible and they are “part” of eu for number of years now.

Exactly - and it’s also a great way for players wanting to learn Chinese to use it as well, as you get to see and get used to it as well.

Nah - they can do so already, but I’m not 100% how to do so, but I’ve seen people write in Japanese/Chinese letters, it kinda changes the in-game font with that text.

They usually are… AddOns dont often show it and just show weird Squares instead.

Yes all I see is squares because my client does not support it probably. That would be the same for chinese too.

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But I can see Russian names in-game, and people writing in it. It’s just AddOns like DBM that cant (or couldnt) show it. My Damage Meter shows their name with Russian letters.

Speak for yourself. I love it.

You mean the sexy version.

I am not Dutch but I do speak Afrikaans and have had many Dutch tell me how they hate it.

Eh - I’m not a super fan of Dutch, but I’ll give you guys a pass for having some amazing Black Metal bands I love from there. So you’re excused.

Keke - I have a friend of 12 years, and she’s from South Africa. Kinda funny hearing her talk to her son in Afrikaans somewhere in VC. Sounds so weird. xD

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