Choices and Meaningful Choices / SL is gonna be bad

maybe if they had bothered to actually put the system up onto beta with a decent amount time to test it they would have had time to figure it out, they were able to add a vendor without too much trouble, that could have been done at the start of the expansion, they could have tweaked the numbers so you didnt get forced into using the generic traits over your class specific ones, they could have fixed some traits that have always been terrible through out the entire expansion, it was a disaster through and through. they were told it would be, and they refused to listen.

realistically the buck stops with them, we just dont want another system that they have been told about being a problem for months and they choose to ignore it, and then finally make the changes we need in 9.1 or 9.2 they should make the neccesary changes before the epxnaions launches, they have had more than enough time

and they also said that they would if they didnt make it work, and they havnt made it work, the system on beta as it is sucks, they are just refusing choice to players for no reason

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In theory yes but talents have never really been able to have that. It just has too little choice to a point were it’s easy to determine what is the best option. It’s difficult to make 3 different options in a row feel different and be equally good. That would only be really possible by having the 3 being similar or make them usefull in different scenarios. Which would just mean that you pick the one you need right now and that’s it.

I just quite like the idea of Blizzard throwing a ton of pieces at us and letting us build something out of it.

Do you even know how deloping games work? Stuff what you see right now is propably about 2-3 months old content and changes. Everything you see is old news. You will never ever see and get to test very fresh changes never. No game developer company will ever give acess to this content publick playerbase. So next time you say they give us vendor with not much of trouble think again. Becouse that vendor could also be in development weeks before 1 post on forum even asked for it.

Right… umm u’ve included it all under as if they’re on the fly changes.

  • BFA

this is your only Meaningful permanant choice here bro… the rest of it u can change between encounters… its not meaningful choice… its Just minmaxing realistically.

are your only permanant meaningful choices. again all these other ones are perfectly switchable and will become tools u switch between as u progress

not every choice in WoW is a meaningful choice, Everything u can switch with 0 problem isnt a Meaningful choice… because ur talent set up has no meaning its just simply the best combination for a Select target. you’ll swap it back up once u move into a different styled encounter for example

theres no actual meaningful choices… the interchangable ones with no drawback from changing is the Minmaxing of your class.

And class have it rought too since everybody literaly sits on army of max level of characters with wow easy and facerol leveling so picking class doesnt have such big of value like it had back in vannila.

This is very opinonated.

i know alot of people who dead Set play one class, and regardless if they have Alts simply dont swap, its a Permanant choice for the character… to change clas you have to reset your progress effectively.

and Unlike vanilla… being max level dont help you.

Due to all the Systems which require Weekly progression into, things like RIO and more playing multiudes of alts wil almost mean u’ll get no where… its not a case of “not like vanilla” the goal post was merely moved

in Vanilla being max level was Most of the journey. Now… being max level is No longer enough.

If u were to of logged on in 8.2 and tried to play 4 characters

you need to

  • 4x Farm Best essences individually.
  • build RIO on them individually.
  • Level their necks Individually

these processes in themselves Stack up in time Consumed… it takes a while to get to R3s on every character realistically

being max level is Simply not as valuable as it was, as they kinda Pushed it to the point where being Max level is 0% of the journey.

we’re Kinda at the point where, a freshly dinged 120… or even only a partially progressed alt would never be invited because of several factors which require weeks of grinding.

being max level lost value… not the character itself.

I’d argue.

If u took a Fresh account on one of these content releases such as 8.2 made a fresh char.

i think u could get to 60 on classic faster then you could get a 120 Caught up.obtaining BoTE R3 will take u long enough. not to mention the time gate on Focusing Iris


okay so the vendor might have been too much to ask, but the fact that the system was completely broken and they literally never bothered to even attempt to balance certain azerite traits, other than removing the odd one of two in 8.1 and replacing them with a new one, there are 2 azerite traits for affliction that have been completely useless for the entire expansion, another that was removed and repalced by another completely useless thing that was never used,

why couldnt they at least try to balance it, make it a somewhat usable system, for the entire first patch of the expansion i was having to try and spam teh same dungeon over and over to get azerite pieces that had thunderous blast because it was so much better than any of the warlock specific traits that i had access to,

you cant try and tell me they couldnt do anything there, they were told it was a huge problem, and they did absolutely nothing about it for way too long,

we have a very similar problem, covenants are crap in their current state, they have chosen to lock too much power behind them, considering they are a choice we are “locked” into. specially considering that the traits are designed and work very similarly to talents, so we are allowed to change talents but other skills that are essentially just buffed up talents are not swappable, they are just not being consistant,

why are they removing the choice from the playerbase, why shouldnt i be able to play necrolord on aff and destro but pick venthyr ability when i play demo, right now its just pushing me to the point where im just going to be unable to play demo because i cant do as good damage with it. please explain to me why removing the ability for me as a player that wants to optimise the chance to play a spec that i enjoy is a good thing, giving players the choice is always better. that is a fact

They are not removing choices. There is no choices to be made if you give everyone acess to all covenant skills with click of the button. It will become just another stupid talent what will be min maxed, meta slaves will follow min maxers and every body will end up using same abilities in same situtions entire game and complain how they cant use bastion in situation where everybody using venthir becouse its in that situation bis option.

Free swapable covenants are option as much as option to use ground mounts. Guess what. Nobady who have acess to flying is using ground mounts. And no it isnt beocuse its more fun. Its becouse flying is bis way to travel and navigate.

this is just blatently false, i can choose to take venthyr in dungeons, i can choose to play with night fae and kyrian in torghast, i can choose to take necrolord in raids. how is them giving me the choice to change between them removing my choice, your logic is completely off.

but thats something we have the choice to do. if they added flying to an expansion and then removed flying mounts then this would be a more valid point to make but thats not how it works, because its a stupid design, that shouldnt exist

why should making one choice remove the ability to make another choice, are they outright trying to force people to make 4 of each class?

No you will end up playing with what will be best option to play in that situation. Just like rest of playerbase. Learn something about players behaviour and their mind in this type of enviroment. We have 15+ years of talents proving your wrong.

No thats not a choice. Choice would be locking yourself into flying or grounded mounts than have world enviroment what would favour ground mounts in atlesst 50% of game world. Dude do my favour and go take some lesssons on game desing. You are still looking on game desing from wiewpoint of player and not game designer.

i play with a lot of people in guild that pick what they like and change things around all the time, i have been playing an AoE spec for affliction in dungeons for fun for a while, not everyone just locks in their BiS talents and are done with it, you cannot make this claim, i know a demon hunter that just plays meme beam everywhere because he likes meme beam,

you are literally saying that if you get locked into only using ground mounts instead of CHOOSING to use a ground mount, or CHOOSING to use a flying mount, you have MORE choice,

im sorry but that is idiocy, you are literally saying having less choice is having more choice.

if i have a choice between 30 ground mounts or 30 flying mounts compared to having the choice between 60 mounts, having the choice of 60 mounts is more, your logic is flawed. less choice is less choice, maybe a more impactful choice, but its less choice.

Yes becouse if you allow acess to both you will end up using ground mounts where situation will be best for ground mounts and flying where flying will be best. Thats not your choice. Thats you following website and guide telling you how to play. This isnt about how many stuff you can pick from. Its about how playres will end up behaving in such enviroment. And majority of palyers will end up following meta = its not their choice.

I am seriouly not interested in another system where everybody will end up same with same abilties in same situations. Thats not RPG game. Thats moba.

why shouldn’t i be allowed to pick what is best for each situation, regardless of if i follow a guide or not, its been perfectly fine for the past 15 years, why is it such a big problem now,

i know for a fact that there are plenty of players that dont look at guides, because they dont care, why should they be refused the choice.

why is it wrong that players choose to follow a meta? the meta will always exist regardless, why shouldnt a player be allowed to follow a meta if thats how they want to spend their time. what if maximising your character and optmising is fun for you, why should your fun be removed because someone else doesnt like a meta existing.

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No it wasnt. Classes used to bring into dungeon very unique skill sets. You bring shaman suddenly your meeles had windfury and start doing more dmg. This was shaman strenght and made them unique. You bring Priest and you had other advantages like absorbs and extra stamine. This stuff is long gone. This rpg was striped away from game and they just bring it back to the game. Just becouse you are too blind to see it doesnt mean it wasnt there in past. Becouse it was.

Its not wrong. Its just not fun. Lot of people follow meta becouse its best stuff ans its requared to have it (becouse everybody have acess to play meta) no becouse its fun. Bored playre is one who quits game not nonoptimal.

there will still be uniqueness regardless, them allowing me to swap covenants will not all of a sudden mean that i can give a stam buff to the group, or allow me as a warlock to place a windfury,

alot of that stuff still exists, i dont remember a rogue giving an int buff, or a paladin giving everyone a demonic gateway. is it really me that is blind?

that is completely subjective, to me my character being strong and optimised is fun, being able to complete harder content is fun. you cant just claim something isnt fun because you dislike it, its still fun for other people.

What uniques pls tell me?

Yeah problem is back in old vannila days those buffs actualy had impact on your party now its just hollow buff on your screen what adds like 0,1% of nothing becouse how hard Blizzard was trying to balance out RPG aspects from classes.

maybe read the rest of what i just replied,

rogues give shroud and a lot of utility to a group.

warlocks give gateway and cookies, banish

mages give int buff and other utilities/CC

hunters have traps.

all sorts of stuff that is unique to classes