Choices and Meaningful Choices / SL is gonna be bad

look how many choices we need to do in:

  • BFA:
  1. Class
  2. Specialization
  3. Talents
  4. Secondary stats
  5. Azerite Traits (combination locked in specific gear)
  6. Heart of Azeroth powers (just farm, added later in 8.2 !)
  7. Corruption (just farm, added later in 8.3 !)

summary: one locked system to gear

  • Shadowlands: (all from start of xpac btw)
  1. Class
  2. Specialization
  3. Talents
  4. Secondary stats
  5. Covenant Spell + locked ultility/mobility spell to it + locked apperience + locked event (venthyr party for example) /zone/hall…
  6. Soulbinds (locked to covenant, there are some OP talents there… didn’t expect them to make something like this… disappointing)
  7. Conduits (weekly locked to soulbind :rofl:)
    what’s gonna be in next patches ? another systems ? (creating lags BTW !)
  8. Legendaries

summary: many locked things

  • Covenant specific dungeon buff… why is it LOCKED AGAIN TO COVENANT !!!
    why don’t u let us choose buff for dung at start ?! this would be better !

  • Covenant Spell + locked ultility/mobility spell to it + locked apperience + locked event (venthyr party for example)
    so if you like Necrolord ability but you like Venthy apperience and Night fae mobility spell and Kyrian event/zone/hall… ? u can go **** yourself :upside_down_face:
    ==>how is this meaningful choice when i get what i don’t want ? it feels like someone spit on my face and tell me: ,take it and don’t complain"

  • how is this better compared to legion/bfa choices ?

  1. worst thing was just acquisition Legendaries… and there was one choice to make… what spec u gonna main to put most of your AP into it… and that’s it !!
  2. in BFA u had to just farm all the things but in SL u CAN’T even change covenant when u need to play your off-spec to max potential…
  • Ion talked about how they want us to make long term choices:
  1. we already did ! we already choose Class… we already choose Specialization…
  2. why we need to choose another things ?! we have to choose so many things already… and some of things are locked to the choice we made… why ?!

Shadowlands is gonna be BAD expansion because all of these things/systems (here we go… BFA 2.0)
sry for bad eng
thank you for your time and have a nice day :slight_smile:


You know thats kinda how RPGs work?


WoW never worked like this… no-one asked for these systems…


RBGs never worked like that wdym

Yes WoW worked like this back in vannila and TBC.

Not sure about Vanilla as I never played but TBC had Aldor and Scyrer as a choice that was difficult to un-do. I do like being made to pick, I find it adds some meaning to what is happening.

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Sorry? Picking class and spec back in vannila is exact same thing we do withj covenants. You want new class back in classic and TBC? Too bad thats 3 months of leveling for you. We were even more hard locket into our choices back in the day than we are now.


Yes but I can’t think of a single RPG in the world where you aren’t made to pick a class.

Man i wish theyd just scrap the powers of covenants entirely

It would be so cool if convenant were a purely cosmetic choice that was actually permanent.

Story, cosmetics, and a side activity, without the ability to swap whatsoever. That would be an actual RPG choice


you are forgetting the MMO part of RPG there though, because all of the decisions that you make can have a negative impact on other people, which means that you making the “wrong” decision leads to other people not inviting you,

which in turn leads to people whining about pugs, and all of that comes down to blizz removing the choice of players, they specifically stated on stage at blizzcon that they wanted to give back player agency with shadowlands, which they are doing in some situations like the weekly chest giving you multiple choices based on the effort you made.

but then the entire build around system of the expansion gets screwed over and someone who wants to have the choice to optimise their character is basically told they are not allowed to. and we have quite frankly not been given a good enough reason for this.

i play a warlock and i am intending on doing so in SL. this means that i have to make a decision at the start of the expansion as to what covenant i am going to pick, the way it is currently dictates that necrolord would be the best choice because it is powerful for aff and destro, it unfortuantely it not that powerful for demonology, which means there is less reason right away for me to play demonology,

i then have soulbinds which makes me choose which conduits i wish to put into them, at the start of the expansion i only have access to one soulbind which means once i have put in the conduit im basically locked into play that spec because i dont have access to conduits for the other spec without inducing a week lockout on being able to swap them.

then legendaries, they are making them difficult to aqquite specific things because of locking out the crafting behind needing to spend upwards of 12000 materials and carfting 50 items in order to aqquire the higher item level versions, unless you are lucky and rely on RNG to get it from a dungeon or raid. and even then, i am locked into specific specs based on covenant choice, and then even more locked by the soulbind and conduit choice that i have made, so i feel forced to pick a legendary for the spec i have picked for my soulbind and conduits meaning that im even less likely to get the use of my off specs.

a RPG should be about player choice, not forcing you to make somewhat irreplacable choices meaning that im locked out of enjoying the game and playing the CLASS that i want to play. im being pushed more and more into playing a specific spec for the majority of the first tier untill im able to unlock other soulbinds and use them for other specs. and unlock extra legendaries.

they are just making a huge mistake and making the game even more difficult for people that want to play their character the way they want to, and why is it that they are just refusing us the ability to make choices and play the game the way we want to,

imagine i want to try and play torghast with night fae ability in order to have some fun with something new, oh wait im not allowed to have fun with this ability because i was forced to take something else that is stronger for raiding/dungeons. it is a stupid decision and should be changed before the expansion goes live.

that would be perfect, they could decouple the abilities so that they worked more like talents and then remove the power from covenants, that would basically be a perfect system


Thats not enough power has to be there too. Or you think game would be much better if we all would play 1 class with just different story and themed spells?

Only if you allow for easy swaps then this situaiton happens no when you lock entire playerbase into their choices. Where those choices have all its own situations where they shine.

To be fair the things/systems of bfa are not necessarily what makes it a bad expansion. As a matter of fact they are probably the only thing that kind of redeems it in the end.

For example right now there are 3 different builds that fire mage can use who all do competitive damage. That is straight up only possible because of essenses and corruptions.


so you are basically locking someone who has made a bad choice from ever being able to pug something, your logic is completely flawed, locking someone into a bad decision is worse than allowing them to swap, because people are just not going to change their mind because someone made a bad choice, they are going to wonder why they didnt bother to learn and make the correct choice

if they locked us into the decision completely they could only make that work by never balancing it, which would cause many other problems. it makes no sense, the only logical way to make the system worse is allow us to swap the abilities like we do with talents, i have no seen a single other way it could work for everyone.

Dark Souls and Divinity Original Sin would come to mind. Sure there are “classes” but they are maliable to a degree that you are close to classless.

Waht bad decision? have you evne seen how covenants abilities work withing dungons and raid content? Or you just spit out nonsense what you base around old swapable systems in past?

I suppose, though I don’t agree all that much with your choice of Divinity - because you have a very limited number of points to spend (unmodded) so you’re still restricted to your choices, and there are choices you cannot change at all, like your hero tags.

there is plenty of chance to see how things will work, they have been raid testing on the beta for a few weeks now and people have been able to run mythic+ for weeks as well, thats literally the reason the beta exists

so yes i have seen how it works. all i know is there was a massive problem on BFA beta called azerite that everyone knew was a huge problem and they reported it as a problem, blizz refused to listen to them and it lead to BFA being considered one of the worst expansions ever, why would they solve a lot of problems but then decide to be stubborn about one particular thing that might cause this expansion to be ruined.

why are they refusing to learn from their previous mistakes

Blizzard never refused to listen on azerite. This again shows how unniformed are you. Reason why azerite happen is becouse Blizzard was way too far in developemnt and had no longer enough time to redesing it. They had to go with what they had. They know they had big problem on hands but they had no time to change it anymore.

This should have been possible via Talents ballance and maybe one system… not via system on top of system on top of system and this and that…