Choose your topping/seasonings for the next 2 years

Yes. Because your choices mess up the menu. :upside_down_face:

The ‘optimalization mentality’ is seeping into content where it’s not really needed. But a lot of players still adopt this mindset of ‘be the best or get out’.

And what I agree with Ion on is that THAT kind of mentality/mindset is taking away from part of what an RPG is; having the ability to express yourself by making a character your own.

So… Since that playstyle is hurting one of the pillars of the genre, I think they’re completely within their right, and actually have a responsibility, to do something about it.

You can still optimize your character in many situations. There just won’t be a ‘one size fits all solution’ to every challenge. And I really think that’s better for the game and genre at large. Yes it’s at the cost of some people’s fun, but imo that’s worth it.

Or to keep to your analogy;

It wouldn’t be keeping mustard from you (for instance), but merely one tiny ingredient of mustard. You can still have mustard; it maybe just won’t taste completely like what you’re used to. Or maybe, you won’t even notice it’s not ‘complete’ mustard at all. :relaxed:

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