Choosing race

Haven’t been playing actively for around 15 years, wanted to try cata classic.
Setting up a an alliance character on a server and thinking about going mage. I’m stuck between human or dwarf. Was thinking about worgen as well because of the +1% crit chance, but it’s hardly a game changer.
Want to try dwarf the most but I keep hearing the human will to survive racial is so good in pvp. Is stone form much worse?

Unless you plan to raid in a world first guild or push 2k++++ in arena, your choice of race does not matter.

Pick the ones that look cool.


Worgen is good because of their active racial as speed boost

Worgen’s 1% extra crit chance isn’t a gamechanger, and their speed boost is probably better for less mobile classes such as warrior, pala or DK(?)

But overall, how good is the dwarf’s Stone Form vs human’s Will to Survive? I’m guessing for a mage they will be more PvP focused rather than PvE?

Dwarf stone form is good but much more useful for tanks and melee.
Worgen speed boost is useful but I don’t like their appearance and I still think they don’t fit well into Warcraft lore.

On Worgen 100% on the appearance.
I was human, went worgen, back to human. NOTHING works on the damn race.
I hate it. Any helmet is out the window.

Atleast now i can start working on some cool looking stuff. using the ICC tier temporarily.

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Crit is the most expensive stat when it comes to reforging or gathering it in gear, but it is the most important one. Also Cata raids require mobility. Worgen is good at both.

Human racial doesn’t work on half of mechanics in Cata, unlike in Wrath.

Dwarfs aren’t the best choise either in you play PvE only, I would rather suggest trying a draenai. Gnomes are only slightly better for arcane and arcane mages are poor choise right now.

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