Choosing the right realm

Been thinking for a couple of days to move this particular character to one of the RP servers. The thing is it makes me quite hard to choose at the moment. I got a few “filters” so to speak and perhaps some of you can give me a hand in choosing better:

  • I’d like to taste the PVP scene of Classic for it seems much more fun and cooler even lore-wise than retail atm. I might be interested in PVP progression (I am not sure yet.)

  • I am good fan of RP as from retail I come from Argent Dawn. So naturally, I’d like to have part of RP, from either a small group/guild RP or random encounters, anything would work, I’d only like to do it just to have a better immersive atmosphere in-game :smiley:

  • Would like a balanced Alliance/Horde ratio for I always wanted both a challenge and perhaps the chance to roll Horde again someday. For instance, on AD, the Horde side is much thinner and it’s quite observable sadly.

Now based on these filters and your experiences what should I choose to get to? :smiley: Thanks for your help and discussion in advance.

I don’t have stats but I feel that ZT is well balanced. I’m not sure about RP, as I’m not hard roleplayer, but there’s occasional RP here and there and I’ve heard about RP guilds, I even helped to establish some dwarven guild and got kicked afterwards (ungrateful halflings, may be I’m identifying myself as a dwarfess!). PvP is not rampant, but I think that it happens. I was not ganked by high level players yet and few time I’ve encountered skulls, they did not kill me, though I’ve yet to enter a really contested zones.

Waterlords seems to be very much like AD in terms of Alliance / Horde ratio. One recent scan in another thread, think it was one in the general chat, put it around 70/30.

Aww… I see. Is there any popular ZT Discord server? For I’ve seen there are several.

This is the neutral one h ttps://
In the #information channel you can join the horde or alliance server. Depends on what faction you want to play.

Being the only rppvp server and having a few streamers here, this server will always stay at a decent pop. We’re a high pop server but generally avoid the nasty queues other pvp servers have, where as hydraxian is more medium pop. I think if you’re looking for a more solid RP experience however hydraxian is superior; their front page is full of rp guilds and most of the AD lot seem to have gone there (i’m also from Argent Dawn); I’ve seen very little rp advertised here so far, though it still is early days and people are leveling. I want a good balance of all aspects of the game which is why I chose this server.

ZT is decently balanced, its around 55% ally 45% horde last I heard which isn’t terrible.

In a sense I’m not looking for a strictly RP, because… I come from AD and one main reason to play classic was to have a fresh grasp of air from the RP on AD and the retail gimmicks. I never liked that AD had 3:1 Ally/Horde ratio in the first place, which Hydraxian seems to turn like that. In a sense I’m just interested to have the possibility to have people to RP here with too, not exclusively. I wish to take part of the PVP/WPVP scene and again… try something new. I am afraid that Hydraxian might end up like retail AD and I don’t kinda like that.

And yes as both communities are in early stages, the hard choice comes regardless.