Choosing your purpose

i cant choose covenant. ive noticed when i do a class trial that it seems to bug after talking to each representative from the different faction as the quest tell you to do. youre able to click the table for 1/2 a secound after talking to the last one and then its just gone. it is impossible to click it since youre too far away. i saw someone post this on the us forums but did not see it here. im not sure if it is the war within patch or if it was earlier, bc i dont think it was a problem before, but i have not tested. i do not have addons since i started playing a week ago… hope theres a quickfix to this…
this is the link to the us forum post:

cant abandon the quest and restart it. i have created so many trial characters and tried with my boosted characters. nothing works

[i posted this by mistake elsewhere… sorry im new to wow forums]


same here… and my ticket just got closed and the only thing they suggest ofc is removing interface…
Not even considering that it is a bug on their end… in the past you would actually talk to a gm, and they would just mark the quest complete for you if stuff like this happens… now you cant even chat with a gamemaster anymore

Same here It is definitely a bug I have tried everything and it’s not working I have reported to them as a Bug

okay, i was able to find a workaround for me. heres how i did it:

remember to read the description bc thats where all info is. if you need more lmk

if this works you are a god !!!

EDIT. Workaround worked for me… i still want to finish it on my main ! But at least now i can get the Dark Ranger unlocks thank you sooo much

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im happy i was able to help c:

i did create another ticket, because my main character still cant finish it or abandon the quest. My Ticket does seem a little mean… but thats just because everybody is just getting standard answers and is basically ignored… And we are paying a subscription… i do expect better support.

here is what i wrote :

I have recently opened a Ticket that a Quest was not working. This is a MAJOR Quest for Shadowlands and it cannot be completed… i got the usual crappy answer of reloading ui and all that…

What are we paying a subscription for if our tickets are not taken seriously ?

I am not the only one with this problem so its clearly a Bug on your End but you guys keep ignoring any of the tickets people make.

Link to US Thread of the Problem:

Link to EU Thread of the Problem:
Choosing your purpose

Now my Character has the Quest accepted and he cannot abandon it.
As you can read in the EU Thread there is a Workaround we can use to finish it if we are fast enough clicking the table… but that only works if you just got the Quest… since i already clicked the tables the workaround does not work for me.
One thing you could do for me is abandon the Quest for me so i can start it again.

And please for the love of god… read the forums and tell the devs that this issue is NOT fixed…

nice, i struggle to find where to open a ticket, it just sends me on a round about with: tell us the problem → go to forums → not fixed? tell us the problem… and then it repeats.
which is quite annoying since last patch caused some problems with my warlock. this might be stupid but how do i submit a ticket? ive googled so much and cant find it.

yeah the ticket system nowadays is a complete mess… not like back in the days where you could easily do it ingame and even get a response quite fast as in CHAT not just an email

here is the response i get… they literally did not READ the damn ticket at all…

This is a Bot response that i got the first time i reported this.

I am done with blizzard support.

For people trying to do a workaround, on the us forum they say if you go to Chromie, and select shadowlands it should now work… and i tried it with my main and it worked.


First off, sorry you’re dealing with this hiccup – I know it can be a bit of a bummer. Unfortunately, us folks at Customer Support can’t directly fix these mechanics-related issues, but we’re here to help guide you through a possible solution!

Let’s try a UI reset. It’s like a magic trick that can help sort out addon conflicts and fix any pesky corrupt files. I get it, though – resetting everything might seem like a hassle. Big thanks for taking this step!

Here’s the plan:
1. Delete CurseForge or WoW Matrix if you have them installed.
2. Close down WoW if it’s still running.
3. Head to your World of Warcraft folder (look for -Retail_ or choose Classic if it’s happening there). (Shortcut: Right-click the WoW icon, choose Open File Location)
4. Delete these two folders: WTF, Cache.
5. Rename Interface to Interface.old (This keeps your addons safe but takes them out of the game temporarily for testing).

If you get an error while deleting or modifying these folders, just restart your computer to finish uninstalling CurseForge/WoW Matrix.

If that doesn’t do the trick or if you stumble upon any more bugs, we recommend filing a Bug Report. It might not give you an instant fix, but it sends crucial info about your character and the situation to the Development and Quality Assurance Teams. They’ll dive into it and work on resolving any issues if they find something off. Here’s the link to submit a Bug Report

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They have no living people in their support team I wager, it’s all bots and redirects to useless solutions.

Okay, so i got a response from them and a fix, well one that worked for me. they said to move the character out and in of the warband campfire, i tested it with one character who wasnt in by putting them in and out of it. and i got it to work. without it bugging out after 2 sec.
i can finally do the covenant stuff.