In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Chromaggus in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Any old Evernight members? Incubus here, will be playing classic.
Hey everyone!
So I played a Dwarf Warrior called Rukaz, but unfortunately I don’t really remember any names of the guilds I was apart of. I remember my guild leader of one of the guilds I was apart of the longest was named Abraxus, a Human Warlock, so if anyone know about him or you are said person I’d love to catch up, even if we parted ways in a bad way.
Name: Scattered Night Elf Hunter
Original Guild: Started in Care, went to Exiles of Fate.
So i would love to find this other hunter called Ilidrial or Melli, always thought he was a nice guy, and ofc my old guildmaster and hunter legend Over, basically any1 from Care or Exiles of Fate, its been a while, we did alot. And well be going strong again
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Hey guys!
I played Ilidrial, a hunter in the awesome raiding guild Exiles of Fate! Would love to meet up with some old guildies
Im still in contact with some old guildies! (Friendships were made there ^^ )
Night Elf Warrior,
Its name was Ahikhe and i dont remember anything of guild wise or player wise, Mabye if i see some familiar name’s! I started In end 2004 and begining 2005
I mainly dps in raids
Hey, I just seen your Blackwing lair video!
Good times!
Name: Klangor - Gnome Mage
Played in the guild Care back in those good old days. Thought I’d reach out here and see if I could get reconnected with some old guildies in preparation for Classic.
I see you up there, Scattered. How you doing?
Name: Cloudzik
Guild: Exiles of Fate
Hi Scattered and Ilidrial! Long time no see 
Let me know if you’re up to playing together!
Hey Klangor, your name actually rings a little bell still, im doing awesome man, cant wait for the classic to reopen, how about you?
Loved cared, hated by both horde and alliance for alot of reasons, the ganks the corpsecamps, the attitude but the guild itself was such fun, nice hearing from you!
Hey Cloudzik!! now thats a name i havent seen in a long time,
i know for a fact we are going to be playing together since were irl friends, but you are more then welcome to join the ride, we are going to be playing horde and ofc cant say the server yet but more updates will come,
Imilze is saying hi aswell btw but for some reason hes a bit bugged on forums and cant reply, awesome to see how fast we actually got to see some people already, honestly did not think we would be seeing alot anytime soon
I’m doing great, dude. Loved Care and the raiding we did back then. Still have vivid memories of Twin Emperors progression. Would love to catch up more and see what your plans for Classic is, if you wouldn’t mind me joining in on that fun
But perhaps it’s best not to flood this thread with that
Hoping to see more Care guildies pop up here too!
Hi all,
Started at Chromaggus before Burning Crusade. Plade at Bladefist first.
Human Priest with name Aloyns
Recall that I played in Infamous and some other guild before me and some friends started a swedish guild with name Hydra.
Looking forward to start playing again now! 
Hey Guys
I used to play a rogue called Akine. I was in Unleashed and did alot of pvp. I remember talking to folks from Care, Evernight and nut cutters. Hope to see any of you guys in classic again!
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Raises hand. Kramer here (Human Warlock), also played for Evernight and some others I think after lots of drama down the road. Good old times it was. Will be playing classic as well.
Ok for every1 interested, the servers that are able to be played showed up for europe aswell, well be going on golemagg so hope to see any of you there aswell, name will follow ofc
Akine! Guide from unleashed here dude, I will be joining the classic train.
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Guide!! No way!!! How is the best off-tank in the world doing nowadays? You still a teacher? Its been 10+ years bud. Was hoping to find you, tempest, Zec, koh ect…
Add me on Bnet bud - uNeak#2111
Added you pal. I have Tempest on bnet, he still plays so will share the contact with you. Yes still teaching.
Have you learned to bandage yourself yet? Always expected healers to look after you