@Stripey Haha, Hi Nexus was my guild. Good times
I think you made me that core marksman rifle for my Hunter aswell lol.
I played an Undead warrior named Invincibleme the guild I was (and still am) in is called Paranoia. I remember you @Dragonfyr.
I used to play with Gnuche, Uzi, Knubje, Xpfez, KxK, Sunksat, Krakrestwh and many more xD
Should have written this on my old main char
Name: Lighthf/goldenlight
Race: Orc/ Blood elf (in TBC)
Class: Warrior/paladin
Battle#: Nénai#2364
Mostly played TBC, but was in the guild ‘‘legends reborn’’ for a little time with my warrior.
Mikeuk - Orc Shaman o/
Anakeer - Tauren Shaman
THT > Phobia > Wipe Club
I’m looking for Crushim ( orc hunter ) who… made… Dives… so… mad… that the “dotted” Onyxia Legend was born after he “touched” some eggs Also ofc all others who I played with.
I will be playing on Zandalar Tribe RP-PVP as “Azoe” and “Duster”.
I hear Crushim still got negative dkp to this very day
@Everyone here. You guys, who will play on a pvp realm, still intend to go to Shazzrah? Going to be a massive population there.
Zai - Troll priest.
Igneus - Orc Warlock.
Guess the names says it all. Old Nada members.
Will most likley go to Gehennas.
Name: Gouge - Undead Rogue played in a guild called: WCWBF “Why cant we be friends”
Wondering if anyone from old guild playing classic
Used to play as horde.
Troll rogue - Speku. First guild UnseeN. Later Dominion (Played together with RL friend and sometimes played as him - Benetton, orc shaman from Dominion)
I remember guilds wcwbf, phobia, Cult i think later formed finnish guild
In TBC, played still in dominion as rogue. But later Dominion started to crumble since majority transfered and merged with into Karfagen guild.
Raided in TBC with guild Power of Will as Paladin named Lits
If anyone from PoW is around and willing to start in classic, would be nice to hear from you
Gänget på jobbet! I used to play a lock called Mortisha up until TBC when I started to play my alliance toon instead on another realm (bad idea…) Very nice to see some names in this thread. Ànubis, Ygg, Ballen Dimenian, Bärta (and Stenen)! You guys still going Shazz despite that it´ll be very full?
For me it’s leaning towards Gehennas right now, but nothing completely decided.
Arkanses - Tauren Shaman
The Friendly Fuzzballs
Fairly casual guild, but it had a great atmosphere. Would sure like to catch up with someone:P
Diikn - Undead Warlock o/
Played in Brotherhood of the Wolf/Panacea and Nada for a stint.
Starting Horde on Pyrewood Village, hit me up Stibba#2970
Sup Zai.
Manifest of Nada, troller of forums. Magadar down boys.
Add me on Bnet Mani#2572.
Any of those old alliance foes out there? Fab? Fungrl? Creed!
Not sure where I’m rolling yet. Most likely Shazzrah I think.
Meteora - Undead Rogue
@Manifest Hahaha, nice to see you again dude
Yep, Invincibleme, Uzi, Knubje, I remember those. And I was in Legends Reborn… forgot the name of the gm… was a teacher irl, i think?
Rolled a Tauren hunter on Shazzrah.
Battlenet > Dragonfyr#2428
We’ve actually rolled on Noggenfogger Horde. Hope to see some of you guys there!