Gangrell Undead Warlock
Cant remember what I played during vanilla but during TBC
Legends Reborn - Supremus - Nada
Now going back to hordie warlock classic action on Mograine
Gangrell Undead Warlock
Cant remember what I played during vanilla but during TBC
Legends Reborn - Supremus - Nada
Now going back to hordie warlock classic action on Mograine
Still playing here my friends!
Dragonfyr! I lost my old account, but I remember you from TTOD days. My Character was Kishara. We used to play with Soru a lot. I remember those days.
I just started playing again when I heard classic was back. What a game!
Hello, Darkkillerrs, UD mage. Played PvP mostly in TBC.
Those who used to duel alot in front of Orgrimar during TBC will know of me… Wonder what happened with the pro mages, Saritage, Magesmoka and Yallokin. There could be better mages, but i never faced better ones…
Hey Dragonfyr, I’m pretty sure I remember you.
I was also in Legends Reborn. I played a priest named Daone.
GM of LR was Eureka|Apotheosis (warrior and he later rerolled to paladin with Apotheosis (i think).
Other members I remember for LR are:
and many others that I cant remember atm. Sorry if I forgot you.
I am currently playing on Flamelash under the nick Tannpust, would be nice to reconnect with some of you
60 Priest Chromaggus
Legends Reborn
yo mate.
Nightmare - orc shaman
Creed said, “you remember me”
Dice - UD Rogue
Calmvp - troll mage
Swiss - Nelf Warrior
We now play Gehennas Alliance
Hello Chromaggus
I used to play a female undead rogue named Elona
Was guildleader of Exodus, later played in Legion/WipeClub and some swedish guild.
I definitly remember Dragonfyr, Bärta and a few others who’ve written here.
Super late reply here. I definitely remember you, Elona! Are you playing classic? I’m playing alliance on Earthshaker
I did give it a shot but I felt like they messed up so bad with Classic that it lost the feeling of old Vanilla. Gave up after two months and haven’t played since. Glad to see you and some other of the old school people are still going strong though
Wondering if this thread gets another look at for hc servers about to be launched.
Maybe a chance to reconnect with some people?
Payn - Orc hunter
Yes, I’m seeing a lot of names from the past. Legends Reborn and Apotheosis quitting to spend time with his family.
Loads of other players names I remember too.
Wish we could have those times again <3