I didnt expect boss was too easy to “free kill” like before Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare. You made a mistake again!!! Did you expect boss should be super hard, Blizzard? Max was not happy and looks like surprised! It is very disappointing!
i agree with the op but for the same reason as the op watching the RWF i kinda ticked me off that it was so buggy mugzee should not have gotten passed the Q&A phase in the state it was in.
Because at the end of the day, if you´re not an RWF or at least HoF raider, you will never see any of these bosses in their unnerfed state to begin with, but the post-RWF retuned and bug-fixed version that the general public gets to play.
This however works on the assumption that the same players /devs that couldn’t even kill the first 2 mobs in MC when it was released are somehow able to progress more than 30 seconds into a modern Mythic raidboss to actually find the bugs.
That´s part of teh entire reason teh RWF exists in its current form and is monitored by Blizzard so closely, it literally is the Beta testing of Mythic bosses so that they can see whether the encounters even play out in the the way they were designed, and why there´s a specific discord for Developers to directly interact with RWF participants. As well as why we sometimes see cheese in the RWF, like on Zskarn, that then get´s patched out shortly after.
But I still fail to see why I should care. Very few people will actually see the end-game bosses.
To put it into perspective, Raider IO shows me that 1,602 guilds have killed Queen Ansurek in Mythic. That is 32040 players.
Raids at this point are more advertisement than actual content. Which is fair. Why not.
But if they pause retail tuning for the RTWF that is the equivalent of a whisky company that invests everything on billboards and TV adds instead of actual whisky.
And following the analogy of that company, it might work. For a while. But eventually everyone will know that the wisky they sell is just colored water. And the solution to that is to simply make good whisky and less adds.
I don’t really care about the pull count. We’ve had end bosses with low pull counts that were varied and exciting before. Namely Sarkareth.
What disappoints me is how repetitive the fight is. It’s a 2 phase fight, of which 7~ minutes is the same 4 mechanics on a loop with little to no variation. The fight needed a 3rd phase to break up the monotony and use more elements of the room (Like the big hole in the middle because you don’t throw bombs in it at all on mythic).
It just looks boring, and as such I’m not really looking forward to progressing it.
thats kinda funny when liquid and method both somehow managed to clear it with the bug getting a “lucky pull” but then echo being unable to kill it coz the exact same bug right at the end up the pull is down right tolling.
that doesn’t do good in terms of playability or viewing potential