Chromie time order advice

hi, i will preface by saying i plan to lock level at 49, im in no rush to get to endgame, im the type that likes to know the story and lore.

so basically i want to follow the expansions in order,
Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Pandaria, Draenor, Legion, BFA

my problem is some of the chromie time timelines dont match the expansion names.

i have portal to outland, the iron horde (which are the two that confuse me)

then there is lich king, cataclysm, pandoria, legion.

so which one is Draenor and which is Burning Crusade?

Portal to outland is for TBC, The iron horde is draenor


thank you! time to play this thing through. hopefully this will keep me occupied for the year or so im trapped indoors (^-^)

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Green portal outland, red portal draenor

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Enjoy the game!, I’m glad i could help in any way, Since you’re going to be level 49 eventually or at some point push forward, to 60 in your free time if u get burned of the game you can actually start collecting stuff, would it be cool transmog you like, farm legendaries? or some great mount its always something you can actually get to enjoy, for example last expansion, i didnt dislike at some point how it was going so i just decided to farm gold collect mounts or transmog just for the fun, and tbh it keeps me playing lmao.

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If you going to do that, then get the legion weapons . I have also locked a 2 guys at 49. So the game is still relevant. I dont have SL so any lvl 50 gets no playtime in my game.

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