I’m a bit confused about the timelines and where to quest for levelling.
I rolled a nelf lock and started from scratch in BFA. I’m now lvl 40+ and was sent to talk to Chromie. I selected the legion timeline bc i wanted to check out the warlock class hall, but i’d like to keep questing in the BFA areas. Can I do that without any xp penalty? Is it possible to stay in BFA until 60? I currently get 5-7k xp per quest in Shadowsong Valley, idk if that’s normal for this lvl range.
Hm, not sure, I think it just popped up when I hit 10 (I started in Exile’s Reach which took me to SW around that lvl).
Yay! Great, thanks for confirming. That’s what I wanna do, and skip Legion and any other optional timeline. With the speed of levelling I’ll be 60 in no time, and there’s still plenty to do in BFA!