Hello all.
When the Midsummer Fire Festival happened earlier this year, Blizzard announced a change to the way holiday boss drops worked in this article:
We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single Battle.net account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single Battle.net account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continues to accumulate for each failed attempt. This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.
Now, this is a great change I fully support. It respects the player’s time, it sets clear expectations, it better allows the player to engage with not just the rest of the holiday’s contents, but also the rest of the game’s contents while a holiday is up. Good stuff.
Now we’re a little over 3 months after that article was posted, and Hallow’s End is here. One of my favourite holidays. There are new rewards added that drop on every attempt, even after the first one. Alright, sure. A guaranteed drop still holds true to the intent of the change made during Midsummer.
But then, as it turns out, The Horseman’s Reins and Arfus can still drop from attempts after the first daily per account. Completely contradicting the statement made by Blizzard in June of this year.
Was the change explained during Midsummer reversed? Does it only apply to Midsummer, despite the wording being holiday-ambiguous on purpose? Is only the Hallow’s End Armor Manuscript subject to this new system, and do old drops remain available after the first attempt per day? Will this mean the Love Rocket also has a chance to drop after the first daily attempt, next time Love is in the Air comes around?
The entire purpose of the change made during Midsummer becomes undone by not being consistent with it, and by not communicating anything about it. I’d love to get some clarification on this.