Clarifying the lore of the Death Knights

He launched this question because I have great doubts with the lot of the di and wanted to clarify them;

The ebony sword is supposed to be a faction of dk, an order, and I understand that they belong to the race of the undead,

Just as the renegades are a faction of the undead, now my question is, is there something in between? Or the ebony sword is in the same category as that of the renegades or the plague in the race / faction scheme?

Another question I have is that darion is supposed to be the high lord of the ebony sword but is not the player with the death lord title supposed to be the supreme leader of the order? And what would his office be called?

And the last and already opening a little in the lore, what similarities would the dk and the dh have and would a union between both factions be possible? And what would his name be?

Thank you

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Highlord is neither a scourge or a deathknight Titel. It was/ is mostly used by the silver hand for high ranking Paladins.

We donā€™t exactly know why Darion has this Titel since he was never a paladin. Maybe because his father also was a highlord.

We only know that he out ranked the four horseman while serving under the lichking, which is quite ironic since he killed all of them once.

The deathlord gets his leading position from 2 facts.

Darion the previous leader says he will obey your will even if it means condemning tirion.

And because the deathlord is the one who revived and created the most powerful undead in the ebon blade.

All in all the Darion is kinda leading the ebon blade, but will take orders from the deathlord. But will only take orders from the lichking with the agreeement of the deathlord as far as we know.


The Deathlord was appointed by the Lich King to be this hands in the matters on Azeroth.

Darion was/is the leader of the Ebon Blade and is only doing as you say because
ā€œThe goals of the Lich King are inline with our ownā€

Now Darion is the leader of the 4 Horseman, so now heā€™s more under the thumb of the LK, making the Ebon Blade also under the LKā€™s control to an extent.


Well, the Lich King lost Forstmourne but replaced it with an Ebon Bladeā€¦

Itsā€¦ not the best time to be a Death Knight
But at least we are not some knock off Scourge wannabes, like the ā€œForsakenā€ā€¦
It is just a matter of time and Kelā€™Thuzad will be back to (likely to foil Sylvanas plans. Again. Like when he saved Arthas)


We (The Ebon Blade) are in a state of flux at the moment, following the end of Legion. Darion hasā€¦not been the same since being raised. Or rather more precisely, his voice lines and interactions post-raising(again) are minimal. He says that he sees things differently now, which is why I am concerned. Difficult to judge Darion and I do miss the old Darion. Iā€™ve had to fight many arguments with people who claimed the EB were the new Scourge. Their silence is most telling now.

The Ebon Blade is a separate neutral organisation that stays out of the war, you might say weā€™re in between yes. Our members fight for the Horde and Alliance.

Regarding the union- DHs and DKs have sacrificed everything etc. etc. etc. Both are weapons of large-scale-war willing to go to measures that might be considered extremes, but more often than not make a great deal of sense.

The two orders have the obvious fundamental difference that the former is alive and the latter is not. This is easy to overlook or exaggerate. Fundamentally, the former can return home to societies (Alliance and Horde) that have some level of fel users in the form of warlocks. DKs do not get to go home and have a life of normality. You canā€™t ā€˜stop being undeadā€™ and needing to be sadistic, while a DH can put down the glaives if they so choose (Very unlikely given the fanaticism). The DHs are ultimately loyal to one person: Illidan and his chosen successor. The DKs to the Deathlord and working for Bolvar. These chains of command are not compatible. Thus a union would be extremely unlikely.

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Thank you very much for all you answers, itā€™s really helpful. Just one more thing; I know itā€™s not posible but think like itā€™s happens, de dk and dk form together an ā€œallianceā€ how its call this new group? I like something like shadows of justice or heralds of doom jeje

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