Class balancing team continues to destroy the game

Balance druid is op in rated bgs, unh dk is opped in shuffle yet they either get NO NERFS or getting minor nerfs and some compensating buffs. How is this supposed to be fair and normal? Every patch dh is getting nerfed more and more, and by every i mean every! Killing the class will make this game more dead than it is now you know

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Maybe because it’s overperforming everywhere? 2v2, 3v3, solo shuffle, mythics? What was DH not the best at? Rated BGs only? Making it not deal 20% more DMG than everything else just for existing is not killing the class lol. They got nerfed for a reason.

No idd but the past repeat itself, mages cry and they get buffed wanna bet that mages are going to be mandatory AGAIN for high keys. U guys cry and blizzard makes u OP haha.

To be fair. Did you see Fire Mage back in Season 1 of DF. They weren’t even doing tank damage.

Crocodile tears

Did u ever see destruction warlock OP? Yes 1 season just 1 that was in shadowlands thats it. Same with survival hunters, i have a better example did u ever see FROST DK as META nope never happened.

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M+ balance is in a sorry state, for sure.
You got 2 tank choices, 3 healer choices and 3 dps choices.
Now, tank and healer cannot be helped too much. It’s just part of the class design. But leaving Havoc OP and Augmentation for the second season in a row since it came out is ludicrous. Buffing mage on top of that is just the cherry on the disaster cake.
Since week one of the season they were told this but first it’s the race to world first excuse and they can’t make changes and then it’s that the players already spent time on these characters excuse so we can’t nerf them too much.
It’s revolting. In the meanwhile the rest of the community is up in arms unable to join groups. So take your pick. Either nerf during the RWF and screw them or nerf after and screw the fotm rerollers. Screwing the rest of the community has this result. Is pissing more people off really the solution?
Stop perpetuating this cycle of mediocrity.

Twaddle, every tank is represented above 3500. Bearing in mind that the best pushers gravitate towards the strongest specs its not a stretch to say every tank is there or there abouts.

All healers? Same story.

I’m not saying balance is great or even good, but man, the hyperbole and outright drivel that gets posted here.

I literally said that on the following sentence. The drivel is your post.

It’s disingenuous to say every tank is represented therefore it’s gonna be taken on high keys. Only an organised premade group would parse those keys.
The tanks this season are DH and prot paladin. You clearly don’t know the scene on 24+ keys if you don’t know that. No other tank is getting invited.
Hey, it’s better than last season where it was just guardian.

You are so overreacting to these minor changes, my brother in Fel. You’ve already sacrificed everything, surely you can give 3% more of your DPS to the cause of defeating the Burning Legion.

So all of the other tanks have timed 24,25,26,27,28’s etc but the only tanks getting invited to 24’s are prot paladin and DH.

That makes zero sense.

This isn’t poor balance, its the community doing what the community does.


On pugs, yes. Unless you are part of the best premades in the world, you aren’t getting in, no.
I don’t get what is so difficult to understand. Have you actually tried? I have people in my guild that do run 24 and above.

The community will make the groups that have the higher chance to succeed. This is perfectly normal.

What needs to happen is having a smaller difference between the best specs and the worst. No one has illusions of perfect balance.
Again, on the post you first quoted i said that for healers and tanks that is more difficult to achieve due to how they are designed. Yet you made a faux outrage when i answered your point on the very next sentence.
But, for DPS there is no excuse. It’s mostly numbers and those can be balanced. DH is not meta cause of their utility. It’s cause their damage numbers are abnormally high.

You are striking me with an agenda given your first post. A narrative that the game is balanced and it’s the players that are wrong as you happily stroll around on +18 keys thinking you know best. It’s arrogance of the highest order.

So do I. On non-meta specs as well. Who would have imagined it?

The heck? I’m inviting DKs if I’m running the group, that’s because DHs and Paladins are meta, hence the chance of getting some “High IQ” player that will ruin my key are pretty big.
Just a bit earlier a friend of mine invited a monk tank in his everbloom 24, full pug.
The biggest m+ rating in my guild is a prot warrior, and it takes average of 10 mins to get an invite (It takes me 30 mins on mage).
Can we stop exagerating?

Oh Lord, the diss them on the score angle. Always the mark of a strong argument. Especially since some of your 20’s were boosted, or at the least canny group creation.

‘I have friends that do 24’s,’ another strong argument :roll_eyes: That doesn’t make your point more valid. Arrogant? You’re trying to look down on my score, I’ve timed higher keys than you this season and last season.

Again, what you’re moaning about is a result of community perception, not class balance. Could you stop conflating the two? This is a ‘you’ problem, not me not getting where you’re coming from.

Streamers and therefore community have decided that pink and purple good, others no invitey, most probably don’t even understand why.

That wasn’t faux outrage, that was me calling out ignorant bs.

And? Did i not say pugs? Are you telling me your guildies are pugging 24+ off meta? Or did you fail to actually read what i posted like the other person?
Read a phrase and go off it. :person_shrugging:

Lol i never got a boost in my life. Quite the contrary. I’m often the one boosting.

I will give you evidence if you want them. It’s on raider io go to m+, 25+ and see the results. I can’t link it here cause it’s not permitted. I am sure you can make an effort to inform yourself.

No it’s not community perception. Certain classes are overpowered and make keys easier.

Well, you should call yourself out then, cause you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. You don’t listen to your buddies trying to get into keys for 3 hours straight and not getting on cause they aren’t meta, feeling forced to reroll. No, it’s just them imagining things. Heard it here from Dejarous. No more problem. It’s a community problem, not a balance problem.
Please inform the top groups to start running brew tank with holy priest alongside destro warlock, marks hunter and say feral for the top keys. It’s all community perception. You can do this guys! Time the 30 gogogo! Dejarus is waiting. Said it was possible so it must be. Be better guys! :rofl:

u dont even have 3k score mate. and off meta is very viable on 27 and lower keys depending on week. meta is shifting atm still btw depending on swarm intelligence

Mate, i am not pushing. This is casual play. I play with friends regardless of skill. I cba playing the meta game, it’s not fun to me. This isn’t about me. But i am not arrogant enough to think the game is balanced. Are you? I can look at the data and see it’s not.
That’s what this is about. Pick and choose all the phrases you want. Is it balanced?

Balance and community perception arent the same. All tanks are performing well, you’re keep saying the fact that only 2 are taken is due to balance, not true.