Class changes and balances

Ive listed a few things I think need to change but ive tried to keep the classes viable, without completely ruining them, just making them more balanced.

RET PALADIN - 50% reduced damage when in divine shield
(there’s no reason why a paladin should be doing 300k crits, with half there damage being ranged while completely immune to all cc and damage)

DEMON HUNTER - Blur increased to 3 min cd
(DH has everything, fears, stuns, immunities, mobility of a race bike, insane damage output, self heals. But Above all having an evasion which can be used on a 60 second cd which lasts 10 seconds? yeah… no).

ELE SHAMAN - Lightning lasso now deals no damage.
(they are a very complete spec with great utility, but you shouldnt have a casted stun which damages you).

MM Hunter - Remove snipershot from the game
(im an mm hunter main this pains me as in arenas above 2100 i get very easily countered, and with snipershot being one of our best abilities. But it encourages a braindead playstyle of hitting someone for half there health into a killshot and dead. I also strongly believe this is the reason the class wont receive buffs or defensives. So hopefully without it mm hunters will get defensives to compensate and be a more rounded spec.

Devastation - reduced damage on disintegrate
(i know games love to make the new specs overpowered so that more people play them but ive never seen a class delete people from the game just by spamming one ability it hits way too hard).

FROST DK - this class just needs a complete rework

BM HUNTER - class rework
(one of the stronger hunter specs but its so boring to play)

FERAL DRUID - slight class rework
(this cyclone spamming playstyle is bad to play and to play against. who is having fun playing feral druid in arenas? i think they have serious button bloat aswell they need to be made slightly easier to play as this class is actually very fun but neglected)

These are just a few but the fact half of these weren’t changed a year ago blows my mind. im sure sometimes blizzard doesnt play there own game and it shows.

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Lasso used to deal no dmg back in BFA until Season 2 and the talent was never used because what use has a stun for you as a DD which prevents you from dealing dmg in the meantime? Also it’s a channeled spell so it gets stopped by any interrupt/cc/silence/out of range knockback in the game.

I play atm BM and i play it because its brainless chill gameplay
If i want too tryhard i play SV

Hi, I enjoy playing feral. The cyclone problem isn’t the pvp Talent. It is more the set bonus, that’s why I voted for the season 1 bonus.

its still serious button bloat though, you have so many unnecessary bleeds as feral.

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Frost death knight only exists so that streamers could put something in the C tier. It’s more of a measure unit, than an actual spec.

So is enhancement shaman, but for a different region.

We need those two to stay bad, so that we know how bad everything else is.

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There must be a spec for people with limited capabilities. BM is an accessibility feature.


Button bloat is only an issue because blizzard is giving easier classes more damage than button bloat classes. Opposite would be better.

Feral should have shape-shift from cat to bear and bear to cast without gcd. Add it in the master shapeshifter Talent from tww. That would be a good buff to survivability, or even make it possible during cc every 30 seconds or so.

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It’s basically MC on stun Dt with this change.

Let’s see whats new on comedy central

sure why not, makes sense, this existed before

Sure then make Turtle purgable or 3 second duration


u clearly don’t understand this CD does absolutely nothing vs over half the classes in the game, and doesn’t change how u die to some random stun

if u want tips how to win vs DH easily as MM i can tell u


20k dmg ticks are too op?


remove it to return double tap, no alternative

better solution is just adding more buttons and some redesign to where ur dmg comes from




The very fact u said nothing about Rogues, Mages (because ur a hunter main so u dont care about the huge problem this class creates for the game since ur class is the only real counter to them by default), Demo warlock (which needs the same redesign as BM hunter does), Resto druids needing treants removed forever

give Death Knights a talent to make AMS absorb only Physical dmg instead so they stop dying like flies to warriors, monks and hunters

a complete and utter prune of micro CC by reducing DR’s to 2 (full and half, 3rd cast is immune) - yes go ahead and fix rogues

stun limit in a row - 2
knockback limit in a row - 1
sheep, cyclone, fear, root limit - 1
cheat death removed from the game
Fistweaver spec nerfed to the ground

there u go pvp fixed

frost dk needs a complete rework … its so trash to play

as for hunter, dont REMOVE snipershot, just replace it with something else, like double tap or extra Rapid fire charge

elemental stun needs to do damage, as you essentially are stunned yourself while channelling it

evoker just needs stronger Empower skills, as a dev evoker myself i find the only build thats playable is the disintegrate one, no other talent choices are viable

I just would remove the perma slow, just at the beginning a short slow then normal movement.

Damage isn’t high but can be casted while moving. I think it should be either one of those not both.

MM needs a rework then. I liked the legion version more than the bfa version.

And remove DR categories

This and a MMr buff and PvP is saved

So make dh even stronger…if they did all that and left glimpse and blur the same you’d be even more broken.

Doesn’t matter anyway when the games designed around pve

I agree with alot of what you said but, yes blur needs to be 3 mins. Hunter has one big defensive which is turtle and we cannot attack in it so its laughable that you compared the two. A better comparison would be turtle and netherwalk.

not me, even when it is a Top performing meele when u play with a mage or deva

hm na, it´s fine tbh, we even have less than in Shadowlands and Bfa

it is good when a “Hybrid” have more buttons than a dps brawler, which unfortunately is no longer the case since dragonflight

Hybrid classes just need some “situational” spells instead of a dmg button smash 1-2 rotation

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