Class design is at its worst

This goes to show how different we are as players and it is very hard for developer to please us all. I’ve spent past 2 days on my survival and if I’d not be a raids tank for my friends, I’d probably do a full reroll.

Did alt hc raid today, and my love was shown on the %ges on log - hitting 90-95% of my gear level and thats just my 2nd day on it - it has given me completely 2nd breath for BfA. And for me it shows that me, as player, am having great time with the build paying such attention and perform nicely on it. Whereas when I play with something i enjoy less (i.e. windwalker monk ) my %ges are so bad.

But i fully understand that most players would roll hunter for ranged. Whereas I had melee-survival PvP hero already in vanilla and so for me its like meeting an old friend.

I dont need to read this in order to agree.

I think next time u wanna start this kind of post u should simply call it by saying caster game design.
Cus I feel u as I main a mage I to have felt the great issues of newer expansions turning from a more mobile running caster into CCs and stuff like that firing off procs

to now adays just standing and casting Chaos bolts, Ebon Bolt constantly gained procs that does little damage or HUGE dmg depends if proc or long cast.
Is insanely boring. Not that it isnt overpowered but
I think trying to argue this with a bunch of Demon Hunters or Hunters maybe paladins or DKs maybe melees just in general u will be eaten alive my friend :slight_smile:

I say u this thou Ion H. Has spoken this that in the future they r trying to make the class utility & fun abilities return to the world of Warcraft.

I personally think they completly lost touch with the class when they made their burst cd an AI controlled damage weakener and removed it’s stun from Fists of Fury and that happened with Legion.

In WoD WW at least had still some of the MoP flavour left of being a very bursty class with stackup mechanics good selfhealing/defensive tools and to offset that bad sustained damage.

But even in WoD WW was flawed with Chi Torpedo being the main damage tool and what else.

The only one time in history Blizzard got Windwalker right in my opinion be it in PvP and PvE was in 5.4.8

Since then it’s just a class with so many flaws and decision fails (good karma in same row with tigertail sweep and ring of peace) (whirling dragon punch and hit combo still being a talent to pick up) etc etc.


Execute abilities are an excellent example of how game design has gone backwards. Execute abilities were different in the past whereas today they are largely the same; available with a click when a target is below 20% HP.

Warriors’ execute used to eat all their rage, and did more damage depending on how much rage was consumed. Today it has a flat cost? And Shadow Priests’ execute was always available but unless the target died they would deal damage to themselves (and this had the nice effect of being anti-CC in pvp!). Today Execute and Shadow Word: Death are largely the same. It’s very boring.

I miss my tiger eye brew from mop/wod and guard :confused:


Class design was at its best in MoP. Bring it back!!

Mix of Mop/wod(for dk and few of talents/lvl up rewards to spells you got) and some legion stuff(like valkyr and abomintion for UH dk,the frostwyrm for frost and such) WOuld be best.

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All i wanted is for shadow to be good, thats all. relaying on high haste endgame gear to be good is not fun. and blizzard keeps nerfing shadow’s talent instead of the gear/trait itself…

We started the expansion with auspicious spirits at 100% extra damage and the dots got nerfs every single patch… now the spirits went from100 > 75 > 50 and 25% next patch. and knowing how the devs are they wont revert the changes once the azerite gear is obsolete (if the talent remains) this happened going from 7.3 to 8.0. it happened from HFC into legion with dispersion. it WILL happen again.

Balancing specs around mythic raiding is the worse, a game killer.
Especially if it breaks anything out of raiding. They dont care if it hurts pvp or m+ at all and this is what annoys me the most.

Okay, let’s see then. 720 Survival hunter logs for mythic Highmaul, 2189 for heroic and 1299 for normal. Beast mastery in the same order 3823/5472/3571.

Buut maybe this was before they buffed them so let’s see Blackrock Foundry.

Survival hunters in the same order a before 7,625/40,703/11,048
Beast mastery hunters: 42,325/114,144/26,043

Sooo, nice attempt but no, Survival still wasn’t the most played hunter spec, not even close. But of course it must be just another selective digging even though i looked at the whole expansion on every difficulty except for LFR (but it was the least played hunter spec in Blackrock Foundry, just in case you are interested).

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