Is pretty much on point in Cata, no?
Cata and MoP truly shine in this regard.
Better take inspiration from these 2 expansions for retail, Blizz.
Is pretty much on point in Cata, no?
Cata and MoP truly shine in this regard.
Better take inspiration from these 2 expansions for retail, Blizz.
Well, it is indeed.
Class designed has never been better than on Cataclysm.
But in Cataclysm Classic, we need to wait for bugs to be fixed (if ever) and stop these modification from retail client.
Go play a Fury Warrior and come back to me. Cata has some good specs, some bad specs, a lot of jank. Arms Warrior is one of the best specs right now, it’s janky as hell with all the unintended but absolutely worthwhile stance dancing.
Retail has better class design, on the whole, in my opinion.
MoP over any other addon in my opinion.
Well frost mages strong but dont rly feel that much fun to play compared to wotlk 1k haste, now its more about lance spam, id allow them cast fb while runing or increas FB damge+reduce cast time.
Go to youtube, search for “World of roguecraft laugh”, click the top video
MOP had best class design for me, and also best raids.
Agreed, Ret has a very simple rotation but has a lot of depth if you want to maximise your dps. The single target rotation is really really good and fun. Its not a Top S Tier DPS but it Pumps hard and is in a very good spot.
The only issue I found with Ret is we have a massive issue with 3 targets. Our AoE ability Divine Storm will only give Holy Power if it hits 4 or more targets but it does more DPS than Crusader Strike at 3 Targets. So you are in this awkward situation that if you want to gain Holy Power you need to do less DPS and use Crusader Strike or use Divine Storm and do more damage but not build any primary resource.
I hope Blizzard after WoTLK are less scared to make changes to classes and i’m not against underperforming PvE specs getting buffs or QoL improvements. I really hope they change Divine Storm Build Holy Power on 3 targets as this is a massive quality of life improvement. This is honestly the only issue I have with Ret in Cata. Everything else is amazing.
MOP did have really good class design on the whole, but a lot of people would feel it’s too bloated. MOP hit a peak for button bloat and it was the reason that WOD ended up over-pruned, knee-jerk reaction. I would say the basic foundational class design in MOP was really good though.
What? No way, Fury warrior made for PVE is totally nerfed and destroyed. Arms made for PVP is dominating both PVP and PVE scene, warrior Tanks have damage so low that they are uselles too. Any Mage spec can do PVP both PVE on top ranks… like I can continue. This patch is all just not a nicely working class design or balance.
Which as we spoke previously is the effect of Fury being one of the top specs back in original Cataclysm which due to Blizzard’s tendency to swing too hard from one way to another lead to them going too hard on nerfs in Dragon Soul Patch which is the version we have now. Overall though the class Balance and design feels better than it did in Wrath with healers having to take their spells into consideration now compared to Wrath.
Let me explain it to you because I see you got it all wrong buddy. The recent mastery nerf for Fury warriors was implemented due to the excessively high critical hits with Raging Blow in PVP. Historically, Fury has been weak, as it was during the Dragon Soul (DS) era, and it remains so now. Arms warriors are traditionally a PVP specialization and should remain that way if the game design were effective. However, Arms is now dominating the PVE scene as well, due to the Fury nerf. This nerf was criticized before and continues to be criticized now for its absurdity. Fury is now a useless spec, not worth playing in any scenario, turning the warrior class into a one-spec class, which is definitely not good game design.
Heroic leap is not working properly, rage regeneration is total trash on this expansion, there’s tons of bad things around I could make a long list of. So focus on solving issues not throwing them behind back.
I am pretty sure you already made that long list on dozen other topics so no need to have it here also. There is always going to be good specs, and bad specs, it’s furys turn to be the bad one, get over it.
Hey Druid, when (WOTLK) was being released, wasn’t it you and the Paladins who were advocating for boosts and eventually got them? So please, let’s not dwell on the notion of bad and good specs. This is fundamentally poor game design—or rather, ruined game design. Instead of presenting my arguments to you, I would prefer to speak with a serious developer or responsible person who can address this issue.
Sweet name you got here buddy, but unfortunately i don’t think it’s really fitting. how about “cryfairy”?
Fury was the top PVE spec in Cata for both T11 and T12 - It was only nerfed for Dragon Soul to avoid excessive scaling, you’re making post after post complaining about something you knew was always true before Cata Classic was even announced.
This is an antiquated and inaccurate viewpoint, should go to mention that for the Sunwell world first race in TBC (the first true world first race) an Arms Warrior was present and not a Fury Warrior. Arms has been a staple in raiding since TBC, even being the preferred Warrior spec during Ulduar and early TOTGC in WOTLK (Original WOTLK not Classic).
Yes, because it’s patch 4.3 and Fury was nerfed for Dragon Soul. Arms was always this good in Cataclysm, nobody played it because Fury was preferred until 4.3.
It never worked properly before WOD.
What you wrote is completely inaccurate. I’ve played Warrior and Warlock in both PvE and PvP since 2010, mainly during TBC, CATA, and MOP. Everything you said is false.
PvE Performance: Arms warriors have always been behind Fury in PvE. Arms was needed primarily for its debuff, not its damage output.
PvP Performance: Arms warriors have always led in PvP due to the extreme imbalance in PvP talents between Arms and Fury.
3.Cataclysm: Fury was somewhat better in Dragon Soul but was still considered F-tier overall.
If you stand by what you said, please provide any support for your claims. Based on my experience, your statements are completely unfounded. I haven’t seen such misinformation before…
Yeah your fit’s too very well, Ongolongo Troll Rogue. Ty for opinion and see ya in PVP
Ok show me where I’m wrong. Because I’m going to school you like you’ve never been schooled before. Come on, bring up some specific points.
That’s cute, I’ve mained only Warrior since 2007, I used to make guides on youtube, for retail and classic. My guild died in ICC but in T9 when we were stable I finished on a 99.8% parse avg as Fury, I know the class inside out.
Arms has been a strong, competitive spec in most raid tiers with many world first appearances over the history of the game. Right now in retail Arms is one of the strongest specs in the game for raiding.
In TBC Arms was primarily needed for its debuff, but it was still a strong performing spec, while Fury was stronger it was not needed in a raid, the world first Kil’Jaeden did not take a Fury Warrior.
This has nothing to do with what I said. You’re implying that Arms “should stay a PvP spec” when Arms has been a popular raiding spec with many world first appearances since TBC. Arms should not be only a PVP spec, and that hasn’t been true since Vanilla, if you think otherwise you know nothing about this game and you have stupid opinions.
Fury was “ok” in Dragon Soul and capable of decent numbers on some fights, but it was worse than Arms and undesirable for raids. Where are you disagreeing with me here?
You’re saying Fury was “somewhat better in Dragon Soul”? Because this is where you’re wrong, Fury was amazing in Firelands and considered a top spec, that’s why it got nerfed going into Dragon Soul in 2011, and the entire reason it’s bad in Cata Classic.
You didn’t even point out a single thing I said that was wrong. If I was so wrong and you were so confident you’d be able to specify. But honestly you’re barking up the wrong tree if you think you’r going to out-nerd me on Warrior history.
Demo is fun but shadowflame being single target viable is absolutely terrible.
I agree.