CLASS FANTASY - What are the worst offenders`?!

What are you top 3 of the worst offenders when it comes to class fantasy?

For me its

  1. Survival Hunter - Basically a tinker specc and has the lower survivalbility of any class.
  2. Arms Warrior - For me this “arms” implies multiple weapons/even ranged weapons and being good with all of them. Not some 2h wielding MS/Slam spamming bro.
  3. Discipline Priest - Stangely the priest with the least discipline of them all - using skills from every priest specc. I feel like Inquisitor or witchhunter would fit far better for a class using skills/talents like Schism, Harsh Discipline, Painful Punishment and Castigation.

Honorable mention:

  • enhancment shaman - gets me thinking of some shamish fighter using poisons, animal aspects, ancestors and weapon strengthing skills. Yes, he has some weapon skills, but its all elemental.

Affliction warlock, you should be corrupting and damning the enemies, draining their life essence and causing untold agony upon them but instead you are just spamming malefic rapture while your dots barely do anything.


Sorry but you are half wrong.
Survival Hunter you are right they are agains both concepts that where previously shown in the world.
Discipline Priests okay it is hard to understand. I got first impression that Discis are those that use the light for reward and punishment to make them better but actually the Discipline is ment in using both Light and Dark side and so balancing them out which requires Discipline given both scream into your ears that they are the better one.

The Warriors meanwhile where always represented as either the Shield Wearing Protector, the brutal Berserker or the honorable Weaponmaster which later is arms representing. What you imagined under arms is what blizzard thought about the new survival hunter.
Your honorable mention of the enhancement shaman is also way off from WoW world You have here the wrong impression from other universes but just like in azeroth Goblins are not one of the weakest and dumb races shamans are not medicine man.
In azeroth shamans are basically negotiators, what in other world the elementaris would be and enhancement fit totally here.
Either the shaman begs the elements to use raw power on his enemies, he ask them to cure his allies or like the enhancement, to strengthen the shaman himself.

Discipline in the case of priest refers to the mental discipline required to balance magic from both Shadow and Holy schools without fully succumbing to one or the other.


Feral Druid - a shapeshifter that does everything in its power to not shapeshift anymore, consequently turning into a rogue with 4 legs.



a dragon that rides another dragon in order to fly around the dragon isles

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Mistweaver monk, tbh. Half the time it isn’t weaving mists because it’s spinning on an electric-blue faeline that looks absolutely nothing like the rest of its toolkit. Badly needs a visual rework of that effect. (Or just make it a buff on the monk and get rid of the idea that the most mobile healer is now tied to this 20 yard line in the sand, which has already been buffed to be wider and have its effect linger because it was a terrible idea in the first place.)


I’m honestly gonna have to disagree.

Survival hunter is about survival skills basically.

So traps, bombs, weapons either ranged or melee.

And enhancement shaman i think fits the theme perfectly. A shaman in wow is effectively a person who uses the elements, enhancement is a melee elemental user.

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You could also add to that the fact we have an ability called Berserk, and while this buff is active, you’re so energy starved that you spend most of the day patiently waiting for energy.

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The only spec where you don’t stay one form all the time is resto. It’s kind of dumb.

If I’m playing guardian I’m tanking. If I shift out from bear when fighting I’m almost certainly going to die.

If I’m playing feral there’s really no reason to shift out unless there’s a root or slow tgat could cause your demise. Maybe in higher keys to go bear for more hp for some stuff but you’re losing dps by foing so, so idk.

If I’m playing balance the only reason to shift out is to break roots or slows as well or going bear like ferals but dps loss, meh.


Monks, good thing bonedust was removed from MW but not from other specs. Too much necrolord, kyrian and winter Queen powers not enough Monk fantasy. But blizz is Indie company so I understand…

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you do shift for roars and sprints
so think of it as a main form and situational utility forms (depending on your spec ofc)

The problem with these things is that, rather than making those forms useful, they just serve as an inconvenience that requires you to spend a GCD to get back into your intended form. The form is not useful in general, only to briefly cast these spells.

This just turns it into “AoE CC with extra steps” or “sprint with extra steps”. It doesn’t actually make Bear Form useful for a feral or moonkin.

Or they serve to lock you down - for example you are being tunnelled in PvP as Feral so you go Bear Form, but this won’t actually help you much - it’s basically you CC’ing yourself in order to survive. It’s something you should attempt to avoid.

And that really sucks. Elahri has it right - only Restoration Druids really need to take advantage of shapeshifting because the passives of Cat Form and Bear Form are useful for them.

The covenant abilities being in our talent trees is just bloody silly, yeah…

They should have just gone away, or have their visuals changed.

But this is something that’s happened for virtually every class.


while i agree with most of what you said
how is that part any different than you sitting in an ice block or a hunter in a turtle
you’re still shifting in a specific situations depending on the circumstance

The mage class fantasy does not revolve around being someone who seamlessly weaves in an out of being an ice cube. xD

The problem with Druids not shapeshifting is that they are turning into the classes they imitate instead of being Druids. I’d honestly say at this point, that if you are considering a Feral Druid, roll a Rogue. If you are considering Guardian, roll a Warrior. If you are considering Moonkin, roll a Warlock or Mage. Don’t bother with Druids unless you want to do all those things as separate activities on one character, because Druids are not clearly defined in any way beyond the fact that they have such radically different specs.

So what I did back in 2004 where I rolled a “Feral Druid” to play Feral exclusively because I liked the idea of weaving in and out of animal shapes to destroy my opponent - that fantasy is gone. Play Rogue - it’s better.

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Beyond an aesthetics point of view they kind of messed up the gameplay fantasy of a lot of the hybrid specs
Back up until like Cata, hybrids had the fantasy of them being a jack of all trades, you traded a bit of offense, or defense, or utility, to have a more balanced build and be more self sustaining.

In Dragonflight, Affliction warlocks, Demon Hunters, and Rogues regularly outheal and outsustain Shamans, Paladins, and Druids, complete joke

played quite a bit of resto druid in bfa…

wanted to try it again a bit and i found out in between then and now it got some shadow aesthetic spell and i just can’t bring myself to leveling it because of this.

I kind of agree. I mean in WC III the Bear Druid whas in Bear form a typical tank but in Druid form a healer. So maybe it would have been an interesting concept if the tank would change into healer or DD form while he does not need to tank right now but that’s spilled milk currently.

Devastation Evoker. Red Dragonflight, Lifebinders, protectors and guardians of all Life, nature and stuff. If that’s not a healer idk what is. Yet they gave Red Dragonflight powers to Devastation DPS spec.

Shadow Priest, should’ve been it’s own class, a Heretic or something, instead of being squeezed into Priest. It has little to with the Priest fantasy and is more similar to a Warlock than a Priest (Affliction especially).

Balance Druid, having very little to do with all those Druid stuff (Nature, Emerald Dream, Wild Gods, everything green). The spec was clearly made up cause the PotM from Warcraft III couldn’t make it into the game. They tried to apologise for it with some lore, Elune being the mother of Cenarius and what not, but it all ended up being clumsy.