Hi All,
I decided to go out and play again , what class is recommended especially for world pvp? (atm have enh. shaman , ret pala , frost DK) , i am willing to level up a char.
Hi All,
I decided to go out and play again , what class is recommended especially for world pvp? (atm have enh. shaman , ret pala , frost DK) , i am willing to level up a char.
All three classes are good for WPvP but currently Unholy DKs has been massively buffed. You could try UDK until Blizz recognises it’s too OP! Ret Pala have been nerfed, significantly, but are still OK IMO. Shamans Enhancement has been buffed and are doing pretty OK now.
Feral Druid! Lotsa fun in WPvP
Hmm Feral druid does not seems right for me , balance druid perhaps? Or is that more a PvE class?
From your list for WPvP:
Frost DK is the strongest one, no one would be able to kite you, good damage, good defensives and utilities. Unholy is also good.
Enh. shaman almost as good as Frost DK, but can be kited. Better self healing potential. Ele is very good right now in everything, I suggest you try it instead.
Ret is the weakest of what you have, and in my opinion it’s good only if you’re HUGE paladin fan or just one of those who like to “bubble-hearth” at any sight of trouble.
Feral & Rogues are a lot of fun and nothing can beat stealth in so many situations. Both would be a great pick. Balance also really good right now.
Hunters, all specs, but mostly Survival & BM, is just as solid pick.
Demon Hunter - VERY good, VERY versatile, VERY mobile, damage, self healing, utility - can do it all, np.
Disc priest - if you can get it geared and know how to play it - you will be GOD.
Any healer is almost unkillable without a group on it.
Other classes and specs - only if you are an enthusiast and can make them work.
If you want to be obnoxious and annoying and have the whole enemy team focus you after the first encounter go prot pala
*Mostly effective in randoms
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