Class Order Hall mounts

I adore the holy priest mount, especially before they nerfed it. I would have loved to use it IC on my priest, but alas. The priest may be the one of my characters it is easiest to justify using ‘prestigious’ things on, but a mount that there exists 3 of in the world (1 of each colour) is far above what even she could reach.

Much like many others here, though, my hordemage does use that disc. It’s one of the handiest class mounts, I must say.

I don’t like the DK mount because of the tacky coffin. As an IC mount I prefer the Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher or the Ironbound Wraithcharger.

Just you wait until we’re all wearing tombstones on our back.

Oh dear. Is that coming in SL?

The vampire covenant has them.

Ew in ten characters.

If you’re not carrying a tombstone full of souls from people you kill are you even a death knight really?


Ardenweald Death Knight’s rise up.

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Its a shame i don’t have a plate wearing night elf anymore or I’d go to Ardenweald because i like the plate set.

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I use the mage disc on my draenei, which is a repurposed Blue Flight disc, from her time in the Nexus War.
The DK is probably going to use a frostwyrm, but the ICC ones feel more HD than the class mount, so er…
Oh and the warlock use the purple wrathsteed, of course. Why bother with living ‘creatures’ when you can have a perfectly obedient démon instead? Not that she rides often, in any case.


Collecting souls: Good
Looking like I shop at Hot Topic: No thank you.

You may have picked the wrong class then.

The priest and hunter ones seem to be RP unfriendly due to the apparent rarity of the animals in question.
Warrior, mage and DK seem perfectly fine.


Whats the whole deal with the Rogue one, though?

I assume its just a big raven akin to how the HMT use those giant hawks?:thinking:

None of the Paladin chargers match my mog except the gold and blue default one.

But blue isn’t really my colour.

Did they not have a gold and red one for the blood elves?

Nope, unfortunately.

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Nope. Closest one is Silver and Red, mostly Silver.

i use the gold and blue one on my belf paladin because his transmog is white and gold.

The color schemes for it are really bad and unfitting for most, and mainly/only fits Human Paladin outfits. While Horses fit Belves too, but none of them first the usual gold/red/dark red color scheme of theirs.

I say that as someone who’s Alliance main is a Human Paladin, and also has a Blood Elf one.