Class Tree Feedback

Feedback for the class tree,

There is far to much bloat with this tree and they have made it worse with the reworks. there is far to much bloat now and its has been worsened by making more stuff baseline. the same is pushing over 30 keybinds now.

The 5th row in is full of situational junk that is gating the later tree, Hex, cleanse and tremor are useful in some situation but they feel like a bad pick in most content.

frost shock getting snare talents is good but does this not double up with earthgrab ? further more i think this could actually cause problems when using it with hailstorm and icefury.

To much stuff tied to being in ghost wolf form which is terrible. Why are we the only class that has to stop dps to remove snarees and get damage reduction.

ancestral guidance is gated behind spiritwalkers grace which is pretty useless for enhancement.

all of the end abilities are dull. I thkn natures swifness is really only usefull for resto and ele. stone bulwark totem is a bit underwelming needs a buff and totemic recall is fine if you have talented into a decent amount of totems. seems like it would be better to be on the resto side of the tree.

lightning lasso needing thunderstorm for enhancement (presume not taking spiritwalkers) is another bit of bloat.

the tree just feels bad to go down. I find myself trying to find paths through to avoid the rubbish and even then, I get to the end and ive got points to spend and only niche utility to put them in. I feel like this is going to end up very cookie cutter and its just not fun.

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This point 1000% is right. Feels pretty bad to have to lose a talent point for no reason as Enh.

Pretty much agree, but I do not pvp so I cannot see it from their PoV and if that would help them.

Here I kind of disagree. It is ok to have all those, because we do not always need them and I find it ok to switch up our class talents depending on situation. If from the 30 keybinds we need the 10 of them, then I find no problem with that.

Ever heard of druids and bear form?
On a more serious note, the power of ghost wolf is pretty lacking, so it can be pretty easily ignored. The most impactful talents is the one that u can use every 20 seconds to remove a snare, which is like 1 global.

TBH I think that stone bulwark might be in a pretty good spot. Without gear it gives a 16% max hp shield and then half of that over 30 seconds for a total of 24% max hp shield. Considering you can also reset the cd and it scaling with AP, seems to me like an autopick for every build.

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Yea you make some good points about stone bulwark. Tbh when you look at the class tree from an ele and resto pov its not quite as bad. But for enhance its rough.

one point i’ve seen a lot of is that primordial wave should be on the class tree as all three classes use it.

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Yeah also heard some people suggesting that, but dunno how I feel about that.

If it was on the class tree it would 100% be as a capstone path. If that was the case we would be “locked” into going there and this would create scenarios where we want X,Y,Z utility but we do not have the points to pick it because we would lose the path to Pwave.

I like how atm the only throughput increase in class tree is on the upper half (for dps).

Btw one thing I forgot to mention:
Get that elemental talent for lightning shield to the class tree. THAT is one talent that all shaman specs would want.
It is small enough that resto could ignore, and works for both elemental and enh to give them a reason to have L Shield up.

Aside from Ancestral Guidance being locked behind Spiritwalker’s Grace Im pretty happy with the class tree tbh.
OP complained about no damage reduction outside of ghost wolf which I disagree with,
You get 5% from elemental, 6% magic damage reduction from a single talent point, and another 6% fire, frost and nature damage reduction from healing stream though for only 3 seconds, still rly good for a single point especially for pvp. You have astral shift and now stone bulwark as well, plus Ancenstral Guidance has always been a great defensive in its own way timed with burst to just pump heals while dealing damage.
Both Gust of Wind and Sprint dont require you to be in ghost wolf, feral lunge for enhance also doesnt require ghost wolf.
Dont forget seasoned winds which is crazy good for both pvp and a lot of mythic + content. The ghost wolf damage reduction talent is only really needed if your doing super high mythics in some situations where unavoidable damage is coming and will one shot if you dont have enough damage reduction up, in those cases its a nice option to have that doesnt require any cooldown even if it means losing some damage.

Also dont see why being forced to take thunderstorm to get Bulkwarks is bad lol? Thunderstorm is awesome both in pvp and in pve with the upgrade that knocks enemies up instead of away, an extra aoe interrupt is nothing to scoff at for mythic plus.

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Must be one of those 20 fingered players i’ve heard about. Individually these problems are fine as a whole its a compete mess. Especially for enhance (the tree is better for ele and resto)

Honestly you realistically take everything you might want on that tree without just trying to take passives and then exolain to me how you are going to use 40 keybinds in normal content

Dont you know shaman players have 25 fingers? 15 for playing and 10 for simultaneously making forum posts :stuck_out_tongue:


pretty useless for most m+ content

but it is fine, because if it was good, we would not have enough points.
so it is generally good that they put some rubbish into the tree.

the enhance spec tree unfortunatly has not enough garbage in it so we could take the good stuff

What do you mean useless for most m+ lol? One of the biggest drawbacks to shaman in m+ is sheer squishiness, one of our strengths is the short CD ranged kick, kicks are extremely important in higher keys its win win, your gonna be kicking off CD essentially which means your gonna have essentially a passive 30% damage reduction against a lot of the damage.

But that said they do need to fix the pathing for Ancestral Guidance, gating it behind spirit walkers is garbage, like they totally forgot about enhance when placing it there. That and the general lack of enhance rework that they promised…

no you don’t.
you kick priority spells and not random crap on cd.

the draw back is that shamans have terrible surivabilty because they only have 1 cd to prevent getting one shot from tyrannical bosses with frequent dmg events.
those events occur e.g. on 30s timers and seasoned winds wont do jack against that.

even in random trash encounters seasoned winds is very much useless.
In higher keys if 1 cast go through you are dead, additionally many casts are rng targetet and the chance you get targeted is not that high and frequent.
I cannot see any current dungeon where it would be super useful.
maybe tww has something that can make use of it, but i doubt it. we will see.
If there are some random casts that are followed by unavoidable aoe with the same dmg type it would be good, but does that occur? no idea yet

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