Class Trinket with Haste for Monk in 10.1

So… i mean, Haste makes no sense for WW - can we hope for a revamp or you think they just wanna punch our face harder and harder while we’re already on the ground?

I mean we can always hope but tbh i don’t know if there is any point anymore. So many suggestions about talents, playstyle improvements etc etc that have been made about WW since the first preview of the talents and we have gotten nothing.

I hate how much WW is being focused into summoning pets/totems, having ground target aoe abilities like FLS and BdB that don’t thematically fit and imo are not fun playstyle wise eithrr is just so frustrating.

The focus on aoe ToD is also eating up so much damage potential from other rotational abilities that we are again by far the lowest ST dps.

Now they add in a pet summon haste trinket to really hammer down on the fact that our feedback really falls on deaf ears and the only spec for monks that gets any development time is MW to encurage more healers to do content.

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As MW I’m more worried about the effect. Summons? What summons. White Tiger Statue? Chi-Ji? That’s it?

It will likely be Chi-Ji/Yu’lon, since as far as I know the statues count as totems, not summons.

Yu’lon doesn’t even attack afaik, just pukes on people. Regardless, this seems unusable in its current state. Don’t need a chance for a proc when using big healing CD. The uptime will be beyond miserable. Making a trinket for pet classes and slapping the Monk tag on it because we have a pet at best 15% of the time seems cheap.

Maybe they think we don’t have enough pets and are planning on bringing back the Venthyr covenant ability just to spite us. “We heard you were worried about the trinket so here is that extra pet summon you wanted, to go with your shiny haste trinket”…

To be serious though it’s more likely that they just needed to X amount of classes on the trinkets and just slapped monk on the pet one to have an extra class there. Dunno which reason would be better.

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