Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

I mean you hear everyone except Havoc players i guess…
Disgusting gameplay atm, no aoe except 3m meta and you guys are fine with that…
Just wake up and give us another dev please.


PLEASE YES! /e spits on Holinka!

Where are the Conquest Boxes for alts!?

Without Echoing Resolve PVP is unplayable as a caster, one melee can lock you down.

A very welcome change for sure but to be fair, this wasn’t an issue just at the start of season 3. It’s been a problem since the launch of Shadowlands, and some tanks struggle more than others. Some of this has been “fixed” this season with tier sets, most notably for BDK and Guardian Druid, which means it will most likely become an issue again going into Dragonflight depending on where the design on those specs end up.

I know both the tanking community and the devs all have different opinions on how important threat should be as a gameplay mechanic. Personally I hate the current iteration, and it’s by far the biggest downside to tanking. Mythic+ itself turned it into a bigger issue because when anything is on a timer, those 5 extra seconds a tank could use to set up properly feels like an eternity to dpsers.

BfA threat modifiers felt great. You couldn’t ignore the threat mechanic like in Legion, but it was just enough so threat wasn’t at the top of your list of concerns at all times.

  • Legion: Blood boil>run until mobs are dead
  • BfA: DnD>Get boneshield up>Blood Boil>If nobody got a twilight devastation proc, proceed with normal rotation.
  • Shadowlands: DnD>Get bonesh… Fury warrior is dead, Ele shaman has aggro from 3 mobs, healer has aggro from the other 3 trying to save the shaman. Gorefiend’s Grasp is on CD>Shaman and healer dies>Forsworn Goliath’s Rebellious Fist cast goes off>Release Spirit.

What is the balancing team doing all day? Or does blizzard even have one :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. You guys need to patch this game every 1 or 2 week and noth 6 months. Even every month would be better than what we have now.


Oh finally, some actual buffs for Outlaw. Long, long overdue, and I think not even quite enough to properly fix all of the issues. I’d say the main things are:

  1. Uncap Blade Flurry, obviously. The fact this hasn’t been done already remains insulting.
  2. Make our 2-set proc much more frequently. 25% chance to trigger off of a 30% chance passive is BS. Make it 50% at least.
  3. Fix the fact that Dispatch cannot, for some reason, trigger Main Gauche.

every time i think PVP can’t get any worse - Blizzard making new changelogs :slight_smile:
70% healers = Hpriest - its fine
Sepsis oneshots - its fine
Sub rouge oneshots - its fine
Dwarlocks oneshots - its fine
Dps monks oneshots - its fine
Surv hunters every 2nd game in 2s at 2.1+ - its fine

lets nerf Outlaw! KEKW


still dominated by shamans casting through spellbook

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where is the shadow buffs in aoe??!??!?!

Where are the Feral and Boomkin buffs for mythic+? You do know that guardian does more damage than the DPS specs in large pulls, right? It’s pathetic.


Mage got two very strong and S tier specs sure lets spend more time and get the third there aswell… whereies Feral is getting shafted fir years and never was part of the M+ meta and at best above average in certain raid bosses and is as usual completely ignored… hats off to anyone stillplaying Feral.


sk gaming : druid heal
lf org: hpriest
casual dads: hpriest
delirium: hpriest/druid
bugs: hpriest
no money just funny: hpriest
kungarana: hpriest
myway: hpriest

soooo… where are the hpriest nerfs?

Haha facts. But i used to press saves and pots :muscle:

Mage has to be broken, else the game isn’t balanced :grin::face_exhaling::upside_down_face:


That’s unironically true

Blizzard has a tendency to nerf outlier specs like Outlaw, Demo and Arcane, because less people play them so there’s less pushback.

I really would want you to tell me what the DH problems are, I’m not sure if you’re talking pvp or pve here but DH slams in pvp.

Bro, I’m playing with a fury warrior as well and that last bit made me laugh xD ‘‘fury insta dead’’ as usual.

The fact that ya’ll STILL keep outlaw capped it fcking disgusting.
“5-6 target cleave” my a$$. Where the hell does that happen huh??? When no other spec is capped like that. Even our shiet covenant abilities are single target so not even that helps… (unlike warriors). If this doesn’t tell stories about incompetence, IDK what does…