Class Tuning Coming 29 June

Every class is bad playing the wrong covenant. That is the big issue of SL. But playing the correct covenant boomie has been meta in s1 and been still awesome in s2.

But that’s the point. If I have to choose the “correct covenant” to be successful, it is the devs telling me how to play my character. Which by all means should have its limits in complex rotas, frequently changing stat priority and, consequently, choice of gear / gems / enchantments.

Besides, the definition of the “correct covenant” would require a couple of other aspects to be taken into account. Some of us still prefer to play - PVE - according to lore based character design. And Venthyr has as much to do with druid lore as a warlock with holy light. If you really go as far as to determine which covenant promises the greatest success rate in PVE, then please do it in a way that appears coherent and makes sense for a class character. Druids don’t use “blood magic” nor are they in any way related to the Venthyr concept in terms of belief or aesthetics. The nareative of Ursoc’s spirit cast to and sacrificed for Ardenweald gave a clear course for whereto place druids in SL lore covenant-wise. And I dare saying that many druid players were excited and looking forward to this placement. Night Elf / Troll lore, the lore of two races essential to the druidic / shamanic themes of Warcraft connected to Ardenweald wasn’t by accident. The strong link to nature in Ardenweald wasn’t by accident. The Drustvar, who provided the lore and aesthetics for exclusive Kul Tiran druid design during BFA connected to Ardenweald wasn’t by accident. It makes absolutely no sense that a Night Fae druid is inferior to a Venthyr druid regarding performance in PVE. And they know it.

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I mean; this is not a debate with me. I hate covenants for everything you just mentoined and more. This is on blizzard. And blizz can not say we did not warn them long before release of the expansion.

But we can not say boomie is bad since tbc. Boomie had the potential to pump big in the last 2 seasons.


Boomie has become gradually worse since TBC and that’s no big secret. And it was usually a transition where they introduced 2nd generation stat priorities like versatility / mastery when the biggest class destructions happened. I remember the moaning very well about this and the introduction of these, non-traditional stats itself was heatedly discussed whenever they were on the rise again throughout the expanions.

It’s not like I wouldn’t play other classes too to have comparison. A range dps with at least one of common stats crit / haste always is way easier to equip and improve than their “a bit of everything but mastery / vers is better than the rest but still a bit of everything tho” mentality for particularly Night Fae balance atm.

Having the potential to pump for two seasons still doesn’t equal the ease of some classes to do damage without ridiculous effort. My item level 226 BM hunter does the same amount of damage as my balance when she had itemlevel 262 while having a way less demanding rota and crit / haste orientated secondary stats. That’s all there is to say to it really.

This might be more on you than on the specs, with all respect.

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Not really. I had less problems during BFA when balance ran with crit / haste. Might as well have been the fact that you weren’t dictated when to enter eclipse phases and didn’t lose all stacks on arcanic pulsar whenever a group wiped, so you waste the next 1 minute to build up 10 stacks again in order to make any damage at all. But sure, the player is the problem aha. You’d be a great addition to the dev team with that mentality.:ok_hand:

Literally everyone wanted to play with a boomie or play boomie in s1 since it was pretty busted… Like currently everyone wants that with destro.

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I wasn’t talking about s1. There was no nerf on convoke in s1, a spell that wasn’t part of the traditional balance rota before SL. Sure everyone wanted to play the class with that extra for a couple of months. But that’s no proper measurement for the basic, “un-borrowed” class capability. It rather is evidence for devs telling players what class to play and when throughout the seasons. A performance based manipulation of player habits in choosing their class / spec / covenant. Nothing equal, neutral or objective about that. Especially when you keep in mind that some classes still don’t feel the impact of covenant choice as much as others.

Where are the hacov buffs? Veng gets 20% buffs and we still do trash AOE damage, this is a joke at this point

I’ve been playing balance since TBC too. I guess we both have different views on it :slightly_smiling_face:

That is so true. The whole system with covenants being tied to player power over whatever aesthetics you like most was bad to begin with, and only resulted in very annoying meta rotations, that are just exhausting/unnatural to do.

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Totally agree. The rotas are a sheer disease and particularly for (NF) balance druid require an absolutely flawless run with exact time intervals for trash packs to fall, so you have your cds / eclipse bonuses ready or trigger at the right time. One death and your rota is out the window for minutes. And then you can ready yourself for some extra love from “the blessed ones” in the group chat, who in ideal are those, who caused your death…

Blizzard: But the top specs already put effort onto their characters. F everyone else! They should be playing the flavor of the month.:rofl:
We will wait until season 4 to execute mediocre nerfs on them and zero buffs for underperformers oh we forgot to mention… F your mythic+ balance. We only care about the raids. :rofl:

They don’t say it in such clear words, but it’s what they do that says so.


How about the rest of the player base who have committed HUGE time and effort into their specs since the start of the expansion and are STILL literally redundant in M+?!


For you there is no difference. You can just play and have fun :slight_smile:

I loled

/10 char

Wouldn’t it be easier just to buff the underperforming classes? So they could push for the remainder of the season?
Warlocks/Hunters etc can keep their current teams, while no longer being meta :wink: , but also more guilds get ahead of the curve achievement too …

It just kind of makes sense.


Still has atm, but in ST damage.
Our boomkin absolutely pumps as a venthyr on ST and Low AOE bosses.

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