Class Tuning in Progress – 16 December

No. i wont . I love havoc and not vengeance. You as DK have 2 dps specs to choose from at least.

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then don’t tell other mages to play arcane and fire which are low DPS too, if you can t switch to tank since DH suck

so retri healing is fine in pvp? xD

OK tank and dps are completely different things. WHY should i tank while i love to dps? Having 3 dps specs is still being a DPS! When i played hunter i learned 2 of the specs, and i played both. because both were DPS. Same with warlock i learned 2 of the 3 specs incase i had to switch. It’s not that hard for dps to switch to another dps but asking dps to switch to a tank which they might not like to do

The buffs to dps Warriors is not gonne do much in PvE, Slam buff can almost be totally ignored since we barely use it, and for a class where both dps specs are at the bottom, these slight buffs isnt gonne do anything, same goes for Demon Hunters.

This is a sad day boys!

Why do you over nerf sub rogue in PVP again just like you did in BFA? Do you never learn? It is soo sad that you keep killing the most fun spec in pvp to a point where it is no longer viable in higher rated arenas. It was not that OP on high mmr (however, ww monks and warriors are, if you want to nerf something that is actually broken)… but low rated players keeps crying about one shots because they dont use ANY abilities to counter it.

Dont get me wrong, I think it is ok to nerf it slightly (10% nerf to Echoing Reprimand would be enough to begin with)… but this is just way too much Blizzard. You are completely killing a covenant choise for rogues.

If you are going to stick with these changes you should monitor the performance of sub rogue in high rated arenas… and buff it accordingly later on, as it will probably fall off hard when players get more gear


do from unholy garbage like frost:))thanks Blizz

Blizzard, what are you doing? Why do you NEVER learn? Stop with the huge nerfs, please! Sub rogue is designed to do big burst in their setups. The enemy team should react to their setup, or die. When people get better gear and have much more HP, they will probably be able to sit full stun rotations, not useing a single CD again, just like BFA.

Why do you only make chages to please the crybabies on the forums? Where are the nerfs to the godtier specs, arms and windwalker?

I would much rather see them buff underperforming specs rather than destroying the good ones. These changes was just too much and sad to see.


This is pretty good.

It’s also fun to see rogues crying, no more keyboard smash to win I’m afraid.

Just because you make no distinction between DPS specs, doesn’t mean that this is true for others. I absolutely despise Destruction Warlock playstyle, to me it feels like a fire mage in an emo phase, always has. I didn’t choose to main Warlock because all 3 specs appeal to me just as much as you apparently didn’t choose DH so you can DPS AND Tank.

Right now for M+ I gotta play Destro anyways to make sure I pull my weight on trash pulls and it is absolutely no fun for me. Meanwhile Affliction is fine-ish in raid, but the playstyle also shifted from being a dot class to being a class that puts 5-7 inconsequential debuff icons on a mob, just so their version of a combo point finisher does the most amount of damage, which also isn’t fun for anyone that wanted to play a freakin’ dot class and do their damage with those.

Those are valid class/spec concerns that I am sure many other classes/specs currently have, I am just writing from a WL perspective because that is where my expertise is. And that’s also why this non-starter argumentation of “just switch spec, you are still dps” irks me to no end.

Or to put it in words you seem to understand, paraphrasing your own sentence: “WHY should I be a permanent turret that casts what essentially are fireballs and 3 sec hardcast CBs while i love to move and dot my enemies, widdling them down?”

TL;DR: If you don’t want “Just switch to tank, you’ll be king in m+” thrown at you, please also stop suggesting others to just switch spec they don’t enjoy for reasons that might not be yours. I didn’t sign up to be an emo fire mage, my feral friend didn’t sign up to be a laser chicken, and you didn’t sign up to get your head bashed in while tanking, all of which is absolutely fine.

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I get what you are saying everyone has their favorite playstyles and specs. I’m just mostly saying it wouldnt be fair for all 3 dps specs from 1 class to be at the top of the dps charts. Its more fair that classes with multiple dps specs have 1-2 specs on the lower scale and 1 on the higher scale. Thats all. We sadly have 1 dps spec atm which is bottom tier and i cant do much to change that other than jump classes which isnt really my thing. If anything all dps should be equal and this wouldnt happen but…we all know that miracle will never happen. Problem is that people are so elitist in this game that they dont take bottom tier dpsers with them into groups. This is why equal balance would always be the best everyone could play whatever they want and not feel bad about it or look groups for hours and hours because noone wants them.

u must be joking

Nobody likes being at the bottom of the list, which I totally get. I play affliction warlock, we suck at the beginning of every addon just to magically rise to the top in the last 1/3 of it because of how obscenely we scale with haste/secondary stats.

In your world this - looked at in a vacuum - would be fine, I trade being bad to mediocre 2/3 of the time for being king of the hill 1/3 of the time which in total means I am alright on average most of if not all of the time and if I don’t like that, I can switch to demo/destro which will probably pull ahead during the times affli is meh. But that’s not how it works. We all play this game to have fun and I don’t like to suffer 2/3 of the time just so I have fun 1/3 of it, IF the stars align. Personally in the case of SL I leveled a druid as my first twink because while I don’t enjoy being a bear or a moonkin as much as I do being a dotting hellish maniac, I certainly enjoy it more than the options my main class is giving me as of right now.

According to what you say this isn’t really your thing, which once again, is totally fine, there is no one size fits all solution for those issues, which is exactly my point.

All I am saying is arguing by pointing the finger at others and saying variants of “just switch spec/class and you be good at x” isn’t gonna help anyone. There are a few specs that currently have - from an outsiders perspective - little or at least less than others to complain about, whether it be MM hunters, Unholy DKs, Shadow Priests or Balance Druids, and that’s cool, too. But we others all have valid concerns that need to be looked at and switching class/specs isn’t and shouldn’t have to be the solution for many of us because it depraves us from the single most important reason we are even here: trying to have fun playing our game.

And again in perfect world total balance would be the key. Everyone could play this game without worrying am i getting accepted into groups. I never said dont fix issues on the pure dps classes. Of course everyone needs some tweaking, i only meantioned that those classes have more options than ones with 1 dps spec.
I’m not asking to be top dps eather. I would be perfectly happy being middle cast dps and being accepted into groups. At the moment havoc is being avoided, my friends ask me do i wanna come to dungeons with them but hey they dont want havoc they only want vengeance…which everyone who knows me knows i hate playing, so i tell them no.
It just kinda gets to me when i see pure dps classes ask that they want all their specs on top which shouldnt be the case . Seeing 3 warlock hunter and mage specs on top would be kinda silly dont you agree? :smiley: that being said i do hope they fix issues on all the classes and stop this madness that is the few being so over the top at the moment thats all you see in raids and mythics atm.

That’s exactly the point I try to argue against because this is a false narrative based on YOUR view that lumps all DPS specs into one pot because based on your posts in this thread all YOU care about is playing some sort of DPS and thus classes with 3 DPS specs have the luxury of choosing which is not how it works for most of us, even if it does for you. This is not really a hard concept to grasp, or is it?

I am gonna try again with one of your own sentences and just substituing the classes/specs to make it as clear as I can:

At the moment Affliction is being avoided, my friends ask me do i wanna come to dungeons with them but hey they dont want affli, they only want destro…which everyone who knows me knows i hate playing, so i tell them no.

Feel free to substitute affliction and destro with feral and balance, frost and unholy or assassination and subtlety based on what specs you think have gotten the shortest end of the stick.

Yes, perfect balancing is never going to be achieved, obviously. But your strawman argument about how your class deserves fixes more/faster than others still revolves around pointing at others and saying “but you have more choices” which IS NOT THE CASE for so many players as I have laid out using your own words multiple times now.

Sure dumbass , I’ll just change to my mage tanking spec, brb.

Honest i dont see any issues with affliction at the moment . Our guild afflies do nice dps. Sure they cant beat the MM hunters or UHdk but they surely arent last in the race.
Should we just agree to disagree on this part? I personally dont mind learning 2 specs of 3, but i do understand not everyone wants to play like that. Still doesnt mean those specs should get fixed any faster than others eather when theres option to play another. Its all about choices and preferences at this point.
We dont have to agree on this part lets just hope everyone thats doing badly at the moment gets fixed.

How to tank or heal being mage?

That like 8% less damage actually.

Source: Acherus

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