Class Tuning in Progress – January 13

Oh my… I have a SP alt… I am scared to bring her to SL.
Before even getting to close to Trade Chat window was killing her in one pew!

Lock max DPS on Sludgefist: 8337

Fmage max DPS on Sludgefist: 8140

Balance max DPS on Sludgefist: 7700

Havoc DH max DPS on Sludgefist: 5800

Havoc does 70% ( rounded up ) of the top DPS. And they aren’t buffing it. Holy hell, what the F. How can they look at the DPS logs and think ‘this is fine’.

2% damage isn’t even close to what FDK needs, the DK forum makes alot of good suggestions on how to solve this.

“that is just because they have hero”

LOL. Please explain why there are hunters/shaman/mage in bis group then xd?
Rshams do good dps aswell and have like all tools for everything, ofc thats where they stand for. But theres a reason that a big majority switched to rshams cuz they are OP compared to MW monk for example.

Couldnt agree more.
Mws are really underperforming and underrepresented in almost everything.
You could start with the mana hungry abilities :stuck_out_tongue:


I was talking about resto druid compared to resto shaman. The main reason to pick one or the other is whether you are missing hero or battle rez, so those two specs are fine between each other. I agree mistweaver doesn’t currently bring much to the table and needs buffs, but I don’t think nerfing shamans is gonna solve that issue.

Please blizz peopl , please check our mana management , we mw monks are in pain , the fistweaving thing does not work that good , and like the statue (was bugged for long and would not heal) i think that sometimes does not even give me any mana…please guys just play a bit with a healer monk and you will see by yourselfs , i aint making stuff up!
edit: or at least point us on the right direction , i went to the peak of serenity discr ,i had to fight many troolls there!, and they have less clue than me unfortunatly :frowning:

Mws can be amazing if played right ofc, like every other class. But if my sham has like 75% mana left after the same encounter my mw had with same situations and only 40%. Idk man. I think bringing a mw into m+ brings like 7/8 min extra time

Very good news that they made Convoke even simpler to use for druids, so it doesn’t waste spells on CCed targets or god forbid, on a player that is Cycloned.

Are you guys really that tone deaf to certain class balance concerns?


I can already imagine rage threads on arena forums because of new buffed convoke.

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No buff for dps shaman… unbelieveable… 202 ilvl and i cant get into most groups…

Arms and Havoc is right next to each other in the middle on logs.
Arms just pulls ahead on 2 target cleave.
Fury on the other hand is only good on one fight and pretty much useless on any other fight.

The moment I see two of my tanks that I enjoy playing are actually getting some buff - feels good,not gonna lie.

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ima be honest, this wont be enough

Buff Marksman hunters damage.
Aimed shot hits like a wet noodle.
reduse focus cost of Arcine Shot.

Too many beastmasters running around. I think hunters do need some smexy buffs.

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